Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Driving Antics #4

December 28, 2011-Wednesday-8:17 a.m.-On my normal morning walk along Stockton Street and almost reaching the Broadway intersection, I heard the sounds of cars honking. That usually the indication of a vehicle trying to make a illegal left turn on the intersection. The Stockton/Broadway intersection is a very popular corner to complete the infamous illegal left turn...why?
1. Connection to a main City's driving artery
2. Therefore impatient driver,
3. Don't Give A Damn driver,
4. Lost tourist driver,
5. Cannot comprehend driver,
6. Failed the California DMV road signs exam,
7. Professional driver---whom think they are exempt.

In the City along Mission and Market Street, there are certain intersections with signs posted allowing taxi cabs to make illegal left turns. Just like this intersection with signs posted above in the middle and on the left corner signal lights pole.
Unfortunately the signs are posted as "EXCEPT MUNI," the black limousine with a TCP (Transportation Charter Party) number and special livery plate sure do not looks like a MUNI bus, nor fit the description of a taxi cabs if allowed to make the illegal turn, though I have seen many cab drivers making the illegal turn on the assumption that they were on special assignment from MUNI.

The same old pattern in the City...lack of enforcement and drivers apathy. The Wizard would rather call it---Professional Idiot!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Parking Antics #3

December 13, 2011-Time: 9:28 A.M.
                                 Location: Columbus Avenue, Stockton Street & Green Street
                                 Visibility: Clear
The delivery truck is parked completely and beyond the crosswalk along Columbus Avenue. The crosswalk is very busy with---seniors walking back from Washington Square Park, patients visiting the North East Medical Services at Stockton Street, students walking to schools, and pedestrians walking to work or visiting the nearby coffee shops. Maybe the delivery driver did not realize that he was parked in the crosswalk, or maybe the driver had permission to park in the crosswalk, or maybe the driver just did not care!
The driver knew he was parked in a crosswalk, because in the above picture he is unloading to his red hand truck in the middle of the crosswalk. The correct analysis...whose going to enforce the perpetrator.

The answer---nobody. As I was walking up Stockton Street, I noticed a police patrol car driving along Columbus Avenue right by the illegally parked delivery truck. A delivery person once educated me on the fine point of police enforcement...if it is a temporary drop-off, most officers would allow it as part of doing business in the City. I told him there are no fine point of doing business in the City, but whether  an officer is enforcing the laws per se or enforcing the laws selectively.

I am a big proponent on the City lack of law enforcements in Chinatown double-parking, illegal turning and parking scams. I stopped wasted my time taking pictures and writing about them, because if DPT and the police department are not enforcing the rules---why bother!

But wait, on December 6, 2011; San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors amended the Transportation Code, Section 1, Article 300, Sec. 302 Div I 7.2.70 (Laws have lots of section and numbers, to confuse the general public; therefore if you recite the wrong number or section in court---the judge would say sorry case denied.) Obstruction of Traffic-Vehicle Fine raised from $80 to $100.  Sec. 303-California Vehicle Code-VC22500H-Double Parking Fine raised from $80 to $100. The reason given for the increase in fines:
"Both double parking and obstruction of traffic create potentially unsafe conditions for driving and often result in traffic slowdowns for public transit throughout the city."
The Board claims with more buses having on-board camera installed, they are able to capture image of the vehicle license numbers and citations would be mailed.

I do recall on Sec. 303-California Vehicle Code-VC22500B-Parking In Crosswalk $90.00, but I forgot DPT and police vehicles are not equipped with on-board camera to capture license plates...they are supposedly required to approach the vehicle personally!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Passing The Buck On Sweeping Fallen Leaves

December 2, 2011-Occasionally I am accomplished either one or both of my chatting neighborhood buddies on my usually morning stroll. Yesterday morning one of my buddy called if I wanted to join him on a stroll along the wharf areas. He was not too keen on our walk through Chinatown, being from    affluent families, private-school educated and professional occupation; navigating through the crowded sidewalks and watching people spitting or blowing their noses in the sidewalk is not his cup of tea. Although when his wife ask him to pick up some items in Chinatown, my present is required; since I know every nooks and crannies shops plus I am proficient in the language!

I walked down to his place along the 500 block of Chestnut Street. The last several days City weather been strong swirl of winds. I noticed his sidewalk was fill with fallen leaves. I asked him someone got a tough job today. He told me wait until we return from our walk, because the block have "Street Cleaning" this morning.
I asked him what that have to do with leaves on the sidewalk. He told me that majority of those leaves are from the trees in front of the condo complex on the block. He said the trees have never been trimmed nor pruned since the condo been erected all these years. He said every Fall, what the street sweeper do not pick up or neighbors sweep up---Mother's Nature blows the leaves to someone else problems. He said across the street the Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center had volunteer trimmed their trees last month. The condo complexes along the 600 block of Chestnut Street have maintenance workers sweep the fallen leaves and gardeners  pruned their trees on the block. He said the condo complexes on his block are either just too cheap or workers too lazy. I asked him did he speak to the workers. He said wait until we get back from our walk.

The morning walk along the waterfront was very exquisitely, mainly because those strong wind gust clear out those dreadful morning fog and replaced it was clear, clean atmosphere. As we return back to his block, there was some kind of commotion near his house. The street had some kind of car accident with police and fire truck present. He motioned to me to watch what the condo maintenance worker doing...
The worker was hurriedly sweeping the fallen leaves to the street. My buddy said this Hispanic worker been doing this for years, instead of picking up the leaves he just sweep it to the street. He said depending on the direction of the swirling winds, the last several days his side of the block was clear of the fallen leaves, while across the street the parked cars and sidewalk were engulfed with almost six-inch high of leaves. I looked across the street there were no leaves and asked him what happened to those leaves. He replied Mother's Nature send them to another neighborhood block.

The accident involved one of the condo complex tenant driving a Subaru, making a left turn into the condo garage, but instead slamming into the rear of the moving street sweeper. The cause: vision obstruction caused by fallen leaves.
The driver of the street sweeper yelled back at the maintenance worker that he should pick up the leaves, since he have already passed the area and not returning. The worker  just ignored the driver comments and  continue sweeping the leaves onto the street.
I told the condo maintenance worker that he should not be sweeping the leaves out into the street. The worker replied in Spanish and my buddy started to laugh. It turned out my buddy confronted this Hispanic worker about this issue last year and the worker told him in Spanish that he do not understand English. I doubt that notion and the worker understood us very well,  since the worker picked up his broom and retreated inside the sanctity of the condo complex. My buddy was glad I was able this morning to observe the worker, since sweeping one's area is one of my pet peeves in life. He later called me in the evening to inform me that maintenance worker never came back out the rest of the day. Mother's Nature help moved half of the fallen leaves on its merry ways.

The action of this condo maintenance worker reminded me of the many occasions on my early morning walk through Chinatown as I watched shop owners or workers prior to open for business sweeping their front areas. The City sweep the businesses section streets of Columbus and Stockton seven days a week. Some of these owners or workers instead of sweeping and picking up the trash in front of their store, would just sweep it back to the street. Then as cars drive by or a gust of wind blow by, the trash suddenly appears back in front of the store. One morning I watched one of the worst case of store owner "clean-up antics." A young arrogant coffee shop owner, whose storefront have a MUNI bus shelter stop in front and a bank ATM next door. A bad combination that invites a whole lot of trashes each morning. The coffee shop owner solution---take out his water hose and start spraying the area, without any regards to passerby or people waiting on the bus shelter. One of the soak commuter called the police and the officer had to explain common sense to the owner, which the owner vehemently arguing that people are animals. The officer stood there for 30 minutes overseeing that the owner behaved properly during the clean-up. If I were the officer, the owner would be arrested and get a first hand experience on how animals really interact in a caged environment.

diehard Hippie sweeping the street and sidewalk along Lombard Street. The Hippie was renting a flat from an Italian landlord, whom inherited three connecting two-unit building from his parents. I knew the landlord from the old days and now currently living in Marin County. I can recall witnessing one afternoon ruckus between the Hippie and the landlord. The Hippie was yelling obscenities and one hand with a water hose spraying the landlord parked car, while the landlord said nothing and walked into one of the building. I asked the Hippie what's the beef...he claims the landlord is worthless and not taking care of his properties---roof and windows leaks. I was able to speak to the landlord several days later...he claims the Hippie deranged from all those years of smoking weeds and 'rent control rules' are the only reason why he was willing to put up with the Hippie antics. I was still intrigue on how much the Hippie hates his landlord but still willingly to sweep up the leaves in front of these three buildings. Then one morning I was walking along the adjacent street and discovered that the Hippie was not as diligent as he seems...
The Hippie never picked up his trashes, but instead sweep it into one big pile by the side of the curbs, and the sidewalk trashes were just sweep to the adjacent sidewalk. I noticed occasionally City Public Works crews sweeping all the piles of leaves along this block, because #1-this block have no regular scheduled "Street Cleaning" and #2-Mother's Nature is kept busy on this corner.

I wonder if this a proverb..."One man's trash is another man's treasure." I do recall someone made a song out of that line!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Why Bother With Parking Enforcement In Chinatown

September 24, 2011-Since my last encounter with a police officer on the issue of double parking, I have abandon my normal fury on the total lax of parking enforcements in Chinatown. This morning not one but two situations reinforced my long-term suspicion that---enforcements are and will always be selective in nature.

The latest big debate in Chinatown been how several mayoral candidates have sided against the Central Subway Project, claiming too costly and not enough ridership. Many San Franciscans have written comments on one of the reason why buses have a hard times navigating through the Chinatown/Stockton Street corridors are the numerous double-parked vehicles in the area. I have seen this first hand everyday, therefore politicians and local leaders decided it time to send the Chinatown commuters underground.

On the 1200 block of Stockton Street, one delivery truck double-parked unloading cargo to the nearby business. On the next block of 1100  Stockton Street, another truck double-park unloading cargo to the nearby business; both of these trucks were parked right in front of the business they were delivering---convenient or just plain lazy? I noticed at 8:28 a.m. a motorcycle police officer traveling up the 1100 block of Stockton Street and slowly approaching the lady driver unloading the double-parked truck. The lady smiled and nodded her head, as the officer drove around the truck and parked in front. The lady quickly pushed her load to the street and raised her lift gate. She headed toward the front driver compartment, and then I observed this next:
I thought finally somehow start enforcing the rules of the posted signs on this street---no double parking, including commercial vehicles. The officer himself double-parked his motorcycle on the street, using the truck as his shield against other vehicles, and headed for the nearby produces store. The driver realized that she can double-park and returned back to unloading her truck.
The driver this time decided to turn on the flashing yellow signals to warn others that she's unloading. The officer continue picking apples in the front stand. I wanted to check if the store offer police officers discount, but something else caught my attention.
Another motorcycle police officer traveled through the block, and he too did not deem double parking as a violation. The Wizard ponder two questions: #1-motorcycle police officers are the most cognizant of the California Motor Vehicle Codes; #2-the numerous illegal left turns, running red lights, illegal u-turns, turning right on "no turn on red" and double-parking; which  I noticed each day. Today two police officers and I had the same bewilderment optical never happened!

Monday, September 5, 2011

San Francisco Finest's Giving Driving Tips

September 4, 2011-Motorists Driving 101---If you see a police squad car or motorcycle cop; in front of you, behind you or across from you...common sense driving etiquettes would dictate that you the driver would #1-obey all the rules of road; no speeding, no illegal turns and when coming upon a "STOP" sign---makes a complete stop. #2-no sudden or irrational movements; such as abruptly reducing speed, nervously wavering between lanes or engaging the turn signal light at three quarter of the block before reaching the intersection. #3-no free speech expression; sticking out your tongue or making the universal third finger salute. 

This morning, the wife and I decided to take a Sunday's Drive with an added stop at AT&T Park; since the two nephews had tickets for this afternoon San Francisco Giants versus the Arizona Diamondbacks baseball game. I was driving along The Embarcadero, which lead into King Street and I made a right turn onto 2nd Street. I was going northbound on 2nd Street, which was a one lane; while southbound heading toward AT&T Park and King Street from the beginning by Townsend Street are one lane until the last 100 feet it becomes two lanes---left side, left turn onto King Street only; right side, right turn onto King Street only. I proceed passed three parked cars to stop between the third and fourth cars to allow the boys to disembark from the car. I noticed the traffic on the opposite side was backed up almost to  the intersection of Townsend Street. The problem was due to several cars was stopped by the right turn only lane to disembark passengers either to the baseball game or to the MoMo's restaurant at that corner, plus along mid-block was another car double-parked with no driver and the flasher lights on. The funny thing about this right turn only lane; the adjacent curbs were not painted red...must be a special City/business arrangement!

A police car suddenly appeared behind the long row of stalled cars on the opposite side, which must had made a right turn off Townsend Street. The police car then pulled over the yellow lane dividers into my lane, passed all the stopped cars and stopped along my side. My first impression---I am in trouble! The black officer motioned me to lower my window with another white officer at his side. I lower the window and the officer me stopping the car there impede the flow of traffic (I have mention this very same ruling on so many occasions, when I have seen delivery trucks double parked in my daily walk in North Beach & Chinatown) and force cars behind me into oncoming traffic. I replied...yes sir. The officer added...I am also putting my passengers in risk of injuries from being hit by a car turning the corner. I replied...yes sir. My wife was about the say something and I gave her a hand signal to remain quiet. The nephews having already disembarked and the officers proceed along 2nd Street, while I  slowly drove away in the opposite direction. I watched in the rear view mirror as the squad car made the left turn onto King Street before I spoke with the wife.

Rule #4-you never argue with a police officer. My wife wanted to know why I did not correct his statements. I told her a police officer enforce, interpret and constitute the laws.  A motorist who challenge or question an officer statement would only escalate the situation, the best resolve is to...nod your head in compliance and response with one statement---"Yes Sir!" The officer have a urge of empowerment and a sense of educating a nincompoop driver. Let say I asserted my rights by asking the officer why he was picking on me and not on all the violators on the opposite side impeding the flow of traffic, the officer had the right to issue me a citation or worst had me arrested for obstructing the duties of an officer. We end up in court and whom credibility would a judge or jurors believe...a loud-mouthing Chinese or a over ten years veteran of the police force. The sad reality is how many motorists have their vehicle equipped with onboard video cameras and voice recording devices. The kids claims it would be a perfect moment to use the cellphone camera. My wife insist the officer was a jerk and "racial profiling." Chinese motorists do have a bad reputations & comedians jokes of being bad drivers!

The truth of the matter---double parking is illegal. There are certain situation were it is a necessities. A case in point is the 700 block of Vallejo Street; the Central Police Station is located there, half of the block on both side of the curbs is painted red with posted parking for police vehicles only. There is a Medical Office slightly across the police station; whereas motorists had to double park to unload patient visiting the doctors. I have even occasionally watch those wheelchair shuttle van unloading in street. The police officers understood the situation and never once have I seen an officer educated a motorist that he/she is impeding the flow of police traffic in the area. Sadly the Medical Office been there long before the Central Police Station was even built; it just show police services triumph health services.

The officer claimed that I impeded the flow of traffic and force car into oncoming traffic to get around me. I looked at the yellow divider lanes on that block; broken yellow lines on my side and solid yellow line on the officer side. The "California Driver Handbook" defined traffic lanes:
   Broken yellow lines indicate that you may pass if the broken line is next to your driving lane.
   Solid yellow line: no passing if solid yellow line is on your side.

When I double parked, there were no car behind me nor passed me. This particular block had broken yellow lines on my side, indicating a good chance a tendency of cars being double-parked in the area. The next block northbound along 2nd Street have double solid yellow lines divider. The police car passed on his side of the solid yellow line into oncoming traffic, because he is allowed to break the rule to catch a violator like myself. He was more focus on my action on the opposite side than the traffic stoppages on his side---easier prey!

The point of placing my passengers in harm's way was the officer intentions of assigning quilt and enforcing the severity of my action. He failed on both counts, except enriching my theory that he was indeed a big jerk! When I first made the right turn onto 2nd Street, the thought of stopping within the block would never happened if  a sight of a police squad car approaching toward me. I did not stop by the corner but intentionally stopped between the third and fourth parked cars; knowingly to avoid an rear end collision from happening. The boys disembarked from the passenger side of the vehicle and stood between the two parked cars. If indeed a car making the right turn in a high speed and having to veer left from my double parked car would hit the police squad car head on! Life is so full of speculative situations.

My main peeve is the numerous times I observed and posted incidents of motorists engaged in illegal driving maneuvers without a trace of traffic or police enforcement, but on a quiet Sunday morning no traffic to impede I get a lecture on how to drive correctly. I just lost that fighting spirit and become just like every average citizens that things would always be status quo. I observed each morning a tractor trailer truck coming down Broadway and making an illegal left turn onto Stockton Street to be able to park in front of the Walgreens Drug Store for deliveries. The driver can make a legal left turn lane on Powell Street and then looping a big circle around to be in front of the store, but the driver rather do the easy illegal maneuver; much to the rage of the honking morning commuters. One morning I observed the Walgreens deliveries tractor trailer making the normal illegal left turn from Broadway into Stockton, and on my return walk I observed another tractor trailer coming up Broadway making an illegal left turn onto Stockton Street; plus the driver had to blow its air horn because an elderly Chinese lady could not decide if she wanted to cross the intersection or not. I observed so many motorists making right turn on red, with posted sign "No Turn On Red" on practically every intersections along Stockton Street in Chinatown. The normal delivery trucks double-parked along Stockton with signs posted "No Double Parking" and lax of enforcement. I can still recall an earlier post of the antics of Chinatown parking I had a photo of double parked trucks with a police squad driving right by them:
I cannot fault these police officers, since they are going on patrol and any call---might place the officers in a life & death situation. 

Today two police officers are in a totally different situations, since they are heading for San Francisco Giants baseball game security detail; which most likely be a day-off assignment with overtime paid. I guess the officer was mad that his last day-off assignment was the last weekend San Francisco 49ers versus Oakland Raiders preseason football game at Candlestick Park. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Parking Antics #2

July 21, 2011-Today morning walk around my neighborhood created a "what the heck" moment:
     Time: 8:18 a.m.
     Location: Northeast corner of Filbert Street & Stockton Street
     Victim: City's white van #425 504
     Offense: Stupidity
The white City's van is parked in a yellow striped crosswalk. Must be an 'emergency situation,' but no rooftop flashing light bar nor flashing yellow vehicle signal lights. The van looks more like a shuttle van. since 2   passengers are seated in the second row of seats. I watched the driver and front passenger disembarked and entered the "Liguria Bakery" at that corner of 1700 Stockton Street---to purchase the best Italian focaccia bread.

Those longitudinal stripes crosswalk are known by 'traffic consultants' as "continental" pattern. These yellow stripes are supposedly to increase the visibility of a crosswalk to oncoming drivers. The City's tends to have them near school crossings, since they cost four times to install and maintain than standard crosswalks. 

The next it illegal to park in a crosswalk?

#1-Not if it is more convenient.
#2-Who's going to enforce the rules.
and finally #3-I have a "CA EXEMPT" license plate---meaning exempt from all rules.

Final thoughts: Not all City's management personnel live in San Francisco, therefore this driver might reside in another City. A pedestrian get injured at this crosswalk, the City's would be liable. The plaintiff sued the negligent driver or the unsuspected City's property tax ratepayers!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Professional Driver or Professional Idiot #2?

July 11, 2011-The City of San Francisco MUNI operators are considered to be "Professional Drivers," but to many of it's ridership that accolade can be very misleading. The tip of the iceberg started with the combination of the Nation's downturn economy and the City's deficit budget crisis, which the MUNI operators  were the only  City's group refusing contractual concessions. The MUNI's Union claiming the operators were being made scapegoat, while the main culprits were the mismanagement. The City's voters in the November 2010 election disagreed and voted 64.94% yes to 35.06% no-Proposition G, initiative to eliminate pay guarantees for MUNI operators. The City Charter guaranteed second highest operators salaries in the nation.

What happened the last few months:
#1-Accidents still happen, but luckily no new fatalities.
#2-Missed run still happen, nobody can find the cures for those mysterious Friday-Saturday-Sunday-Monday sick-calls. Must be the drinking water!
#3-Switchbacks still happen, living or working near the end of the line on 14-Mission, L-Taraval or N-Judah requires lots of fortitude and patience. I discovered that 30-Stockton to Marina District trolleys at the evening are "relabeled" Van Ness Street and therefore disappeared from the transit grid. So much for the policy of the next bus should be 5 minutes behind the "Scotty please beam us up" bus.
#4-Management and Union agree on a contract proposal, but the operators overwhelm voted it down.
#5-Proposition G sub-plot; an independent arbitrator upheld the contract and certain faction of the operators wanted to protest with a service slowdown. The problem with that idea is the public do not care, since MUNI been in a slowdown mode the last twenty years.
#6-July 7, 2011; SF Examiner posted an article "Parking placards for the disabled found on Muni workers' autos." This is really a 'doctor confidential' issues, the operator's personal physician might declared it a disability, but the City's appointed physician which exam the operator every two years to certify the Class A driver license deem the operator to be fit and entrusted to transport a busload of human beings. In honesty something is very strange!

So what happened this morning at 9:08 a.m. at the intersection of Stockton & Broadway:
#1-The MUNI operator is stopped within the crosswalk.
#2-The 45-Union bus is outbound to Lyon & Greenwich, traveling along a single lane Stockton Street with the posted speed limit of 25 mph. I presume the bus was traveling less than that along the Chinatown corridor of delivery trucks and careless pedestrians.
#3-Maybe the driver did not noticed that the light changed yellow and then red.
#4-Maybe the driver was waiting for a vehicle ahead of him making a left turn; but signs are posted "No Left Turn" and number one rule of MUNI driving etiquette---hit the honk immediately if the vehicle in front do not move!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Chinatown Parking Antics #1

June 13, 2011-This morning on my walk through Chinatown, I noticed a delivery truck parked northward on Stockton Street by the intersection of Broadway. Why is that strange?
The truck rear end was parked in the pedestrian crosswalk, the truck rear lift gate was lowered and blocking the crosswalk---forcing pedestrian to walk out beyond the painted crosswalk, and finally can you see the corner signal lights!

The time was 8:38 a.m. and  no police or parking enforcements within sight, even though the City's Central Police Station is next block over at 766 Vallejo Street. The driver must have known about how lax the enforcements are in Chinatown or maybe he just did not care. If he gets a ticket, his company would paid it, because its just additional costs of doing business in San Francisco. 

I crossed Broadway and took the following picture...
Just my lucky day, the silver sedan driving south on Stockton Street making a left turn onto Broadway. What's wrong? All four intersection have signs posted "NO LEFT TURN." This driver either did not see the posted sign right above the signal lights, or was too focus on the pedestrians crossing the street. The Wizard surmised the sedan driver just did not care---it is much convenient to turn left then loop around the block!

The Wizard surmised the truck driver did not care either...
In front of the truck was several empty parking spaces, the truck driver rather park by the corner; to unload his supplies for the store across the street. Why? The driver was just plain LAZY! The look and on the mind of the bicyclist as he watch the sedan making the illegal left turn---where the cops when you really need them?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

San Francisco City Worker Abuse or Above the Law?

May 25, 2011-On my morning walk through Chinatown, I noticed a strange occurrence (or normal daily happenings whenever I am taking a walk) at the intersection of Stockton & Broadway; a white compact-like SUV on Stockton Street outbound from downtown, suddenly decided to make a left turn onto Broadway. The intersection have posted signs for "no left turn onto Broadway," and the white vehicle  had a roof mounted light bar with City's emblem on its door. I took out my trusted camera for this shot as he was about to complete the turn:
The time was 8:58 a.m., the driver never used the vehicle left turn signal nor had the light bar white & amber lights flashing. On this corner I have seen police cars, fire trucks and ambulances making left turns with sirens, horns blasting and flashing lights; in performance of their duties. I have also seen delivery trucks, taxi-cabs, motorists and City's vehicles making illegal left turns, on the assumption that they are exempt or the signs are meant for someone else. The MUNI buses are the only allowable City's vehicle to make a left turn up Broadway onto Stockton Street. I remember this City's driver, whom would be in a upcoming post too, therefore I walked up Broadway in anticipation of something special.

I watched as the City's vehicle drove up Broadway on the far left lane and stopped on the next intersection---Powell Street to make another illegal left turn. This corner only allowable left turn vehicle are the fire trucks returning back to the fire station on that block. The white City's vehicle now had the rear light bar amber lights flashing, as the driver await the cross traffic to clear. I know that flashing blue and red lights are for police, flashing red lights are fire & ambulances, and flashing white & amber lights are for utilities and construction vehicles. The City's vehicle is not on any emergency other than usurp two illegal left turns on the pretense of official duties. The driver did not make a left turn, but he instead made a U-turn. The Wizard surmised that this driver either do not understand vehicle codes or think driving a City's vehicle he is exempt. I watched as the driver drove back down Broadway slowly and closely to the parked cars on his right. The rear amber lights still flashing.
The City's vehicle was a Chevrolet Tracker with body ID number of 158 M 736. I could not locate any department markings, since I noticed the driver was checking at the parked cars as he drove by...I thought he might be working for Parking & Traffic---DPT.
I was taking additional pictures and the driver was getting suspicious or nervous (a guilty feelings)...he took out his cellular phone to shoot a picture of me. I wonder if it's illegal to shoot picture with a cellular phone while driving. I had to shoot my picture quickly too, a truck wanted to make the turn out of the alley, therefore the fuzziness!

I checked the City's website to see what kind of procedures to report City's worker abuse. They have a "Whistleblower Complaints Program" which stated:

The City and County of San Francisco's Whistleblower Complaints Program receives and tracks complaints about the quality and delivery of government services, wasteful and inefficient City government practices, misuse of government funds, and improper activities by City government officials, employees and contractors.

Then I checked what the City's definition of "abuse"...

The intentional, wrongful, or improper use or destruction of City resources, or seriously improper practice that does not involve prosecutable fraud. Abuse can include the excessive or improper use an employee or official's position in a manner other than its rightful or legal use.

The site allows complaint to be file online, but I would not be able add these nice pictures. I can also call the 311 Customer Service Center, but pictures are worth more than words. Lastly I can  mail in my complaint. 

Remember in are innocence until proven guilty. Unfortunately justice does not always prevail---because of loopholes; law enforcement missteps, judicial procedure missteps, evidences missteps, witnesses missteps, medical & psychological missteps and lastly the power of the rich & famous! I figure this City worker is in management  or supervisory, since he have a vehicle with a roof light bar---a sign of power! If a investigation is started, he would refute all my findings since his work history would show he's a good decent City worker whom just make some bad driving judgements. A slap on the wrist and all is forgotten. 

I believe independent investigation of worker abuse are more impartial than City's Controller, which have more conflict of interests or known accomplices. The Wizard findings concluded that the City's worker was indeed an abuser and thinks he's above the law---why?

#1-He made the left turn onto Broadway on a last moment, he turned left onto the far right lane barely missing the parked car---why? He trying to locate a parking spaces along the right side of the 700 block of Broadway. 

#2-No available parking spaces on the right side, he made the U-turn. He drove down slowly not checking on the parked cars but for an available parking space. 

Now wait---these are all assumptions...maybe yes or maybe no!

I mentioned earlier how I recognized this City's worker; April 29, 2011 at 8:55 a.m. this same driver came down Broadway along the commuter "TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING 7 A.M. TO 9 A.M." lane with his front rooftop white and amber lights flashing. He stopped and parked at a fire hydrant, got out of his vehicle and headed for the right side of the 700 block of Broadway.
Today on my walk back home at 9:21 a.m., the City's worker Tracker is parked on the yellow zone on the 600 block of Broadway.
This City's worker must make regular visit along the 700 block of Broadway, therefore he qualify as a "Chronically Abuser."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Professional Driver or Professional Idiot?

May 9, 2011-The city of San Francisco have a long history of pitting two "Quality of Life"  fractions---motorists versus pedestrians. The "motorists" are the city's cash cow to fill its revenue coffers, while the "pedestrians" are the city's pawn for better safety measures...only in the forefront when death and injuries occurred! 

One of the worst offender of "City's Bad Driver" happen to be the 'Professional Driver.' These are the drivers whom main livelihood are driving a vehicle. These are the drivers that should knows all the rules in the California Vehicle Code. These are also the drivers that knows all the short-cuts and illegal maneuvers of driving in the City. Who are these 'Professional Driver'...the MUNI drivers, transit drivers, tour bus drivers, charter bus drivers, school bus drivers,  taxi drivers,  airport shuttle drivers, para transit drivers, construction drivers, maintenance drivers, utilities drivers and delivery drivers. There are also the 'Semi-Professional Driver' delivery drivers, commuter van pool drivers and soccer Mom's drivers!

Just yesterday Sunday evening at about 5:45 p.m., as I stood on the west corner of Taylor & Columbus awaiting for the green light to cross Columbus. This is one of numerous City's unknown hazard intersections, because it's basically a "Y" intersections with Taylor, Chestnut & Columbus. The traffic signal sequences are Columbus, Taylor and then Chestnut. On both directions of Chestnut Street are signs posted for "No Turn on Red," because of the Powell/Mason cable car line coming out of Taylor Street and turning left onto Columbus Street. This evening as I was about to cross Columbus, a taxi cab on Chestnut turned right on the red light, as one car about to turn left from Taylor and another car behind it about to cross into Chestnut on the green light. Luckily both vehicles from Taylor Street noticed the foolish cab driver and stopped to honk their horns. I stopped walking as the taxi veered in front of my path as he flipped the fingers at the other motorists. Typical 'Professional Driver' protocol---make a illegal maneuver and then acknowledge your intelligent with one's hand.

This morning at 8:04 a.m., as I was walking along Mason Street toward Bay Street to await the green signal light to cross. I noticed at the corner of my left eye a tour bus was slowly inching across the crosswalk on the red light. My first thought maybe the bus brakes were bad or the driver not paying attention. I took out my trusted camera:
The bus stopped...clearly in the middle of the crosswalk. The driver might be sleepy, since I watched him reached for a cup of coffee nearby his seat.

These two 'Professional Drivers' are better entitled "Professional Idiots." Both drivers can be cited on VC22526A Entering Marked Crosswalk with a fine of $90, but this is San Francisco---the Home of Selective Enforcement or non-Enforcement.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Postal Waste or Postal Perk?

April 30, 2011-This morning on my walk through Chinatown, we (today I was accompanied by two fellow senior citizen walkers) encounter a unusual situation...a postal delivery vehicle parked in the 1000 block of Stockton Street---right in the middle of Chinatown.
Why is that strange? Because the time was 8:30 a.m., my companions asked me why is that strange. I replied when have you ever seen a mail person (cannot use mailman, since it can be a mail woman too)  that early in Chinatown on a Saturday. One of my companion said the mail person could be delivering a "Special Delivery." I replied the Postal Service replaced that service awhile back with something call "Express Mail"! As I taking the picture, I noticed the gentleman with his back toward us in brown jacket and pants was getting into the postal vehicle. He dropped something inside the vehicle and came back between the vehicle to jaywalk across Stockton Street. It was an Oriental man but not dressed in the usual mail person uniform. We watched as the person walked into a produce store along Stockton Street. My other elder statesman companion waited until the gentleman walked by us and told me that he have seen this person before on a previous Saturday morning shopping along Jackson Street, but he was driving a white postal van that day. The wizard was very intrigue with these developments.

Why? I been reading news articles about how the Postal Service must downsize because of less mail volumes and on the brink of not having enough revenue to continue operation. I sense there were something amiss this morning with the postal employee at Chinatown. I have some understanding of how the post office operate in San Francisco and from Jackson Street to Fisherman's Wharf the zone belongs to my area post office. I have many occasion chatted with older mailmen in my area and I got to know that majority of the mail person who works around Chinatown have walking routes, because as they claims it's postal nightmares---no parking, jammed sidewalks & congested traffic! I have seen several occasions mail person in full uniform parking their postal vehicle to pickup trays of prepared foods like for a postal party  on Saturday morning. I might consider it more of a "postal perk," since the postal vehicle can easily park anywhere in Chinatown, get out and load the foods and off he/she goes. This gentleman might be better label as "postal waste," since he was using the postal service for personal gains.

I wanted to get an expert opinion, therefore I got back home and called an old friend whom had a son working in postal management somewhere in the Bay Area. I was able to describe what happened this morning to my friend's son; I know newer mail person do not get uniform right away and he corrected me by saying newer employee would not go shopping while delivering the mails; because they would be terminated at the end of the day. He said it could be either a clerk or supervisor making a "Express Mail" delivery that have a guarantee delivery standard of 11:30 a.m. that day and asked if I noticed the person carrying some kind of scanning device. I told him the person was not carrying any device and the vehicle  was clean of any mail delivery material except one pink grocery bag,
He claims I could be just right---a postal employee using the postal vehicle to easily shop at Chinatown. He told me I can file a complaint with the post office through their 1-800 number. I asked him would that gentleman get fired? He laughed and said the most the person might get is either a lecture to next time park in less visible area or worst a letter in his file for bad judgement. I said what about wasting taxpayer money! He said the post office is self-sufficient and is not supported by any tax-payer money. He claimed that the postal service would had made a profit the last few years if it was not for Congress requiring them to prefund future retiree's health benefits. I replied if the postal service wanted to be self-sufficient, therefore they should be required to paid all present and future obligations. The problem of not prefunding some benefits would lead to yearly postal rate increase or finally a "real" government bailout.

My old friend called me back an hour later and told his son that I read too much and during our ancient schooldays I major in American history, political science and economic. His son told him thanks God I did not run for public office! Would never happen---already sold my soul long ago!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Parking Antics #1-Update

March 11, 2011-A buddy asked me why get such a big huff about these bad drivers in the City, well I just hate the City's policy of "Selective Enforcement" and the 'New Age Worker's Attitude.'

This morning right on schedule at 8:25 a.m., I spotted the delivery truck on Stockton Street & Union Street double parked; when there are plenty of empty parking spaces on the curb in front and across from the establishment he was delivering supplies to.
At least this week, the driver did not park in the blue zone---several parked cars are in spaces front of the zone today! 

No law enforcement agencies would cite the truck as a violation or a hazard, since...#1-Is double parking illegal? #2-Who is it hurting? and finally #3-That's a famous establishment he's delivering to.
Let's see...plenty of pedestrians crossing nearby, cars trying to maneuver around the double parked truck, and cars waiting on intersection to make turn onto that block. A typical morning with no hazard in sight.

I forgot my final point: 'New Age Worker's Attitude.' Some of the workers have embrace a new standard of...take the easy path, why work so hard and to heck with others. It would take too much effort and consideration to others if I had to pull to the curb to unload the supplies.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Parking Antics #1

March 4, 2011-During certain day of my morning walk around the Washington Square Park, I would encounter a strange traffic congestion near the intersection of Stockton Street & Union Street. The problem  is a double parked semi-truck making supply deliveries to the nearby restaurants; maybe depending on the driver or traffic pattern...majority of the blockade occurs on the 500 block of Union Street and I noticed a few times on the 1600 block of Stockton Street. Motorists must wait for on-coming traffic to clear in order to go around the double parked truck, thereby causing backup behind them. Plus I watched pedestrians trying to cross this intersection...wondering if it's safe to cross---since vehicles are coming at every directions.

The best solution would be to create a morning yellow zone nearby, such as those in Downtown & Chinatown areas. Oops I forgot---it only happens in the morning, the most time it inconvenience anybody is 30-45 minutes---what's your problem? Well, it's back to my old song & dance routine of "Selective Enforcement" policy in the City of San Francisco. Double-parking is illegal and each year UPS & FedEx paid the City thousands in tickets but I have yet seen one issued to this truck. Residents from all parts of the City except the Bayview district should stop paying all parking tickets until an injustice is corrected---the end of Selective Districts Enforcement. "People Behaving Badly with Stanley Roberts" had three segments of how parking control officers are not tagging sidewalk parking or expired meters in the Bayview District, because of the fear of being attacked. Uniformed police officers are tagging motorist violations but too many other parking violations are ignored. Today I would update my new slogan: 
The well known, well connected, well abundant or well armed (thanks Stanley Roberts); are given "Free Passes" whereas normal citizenry are not afforded.

Back to this morning at 9:03 a.m., today the driver found a parking space along the curb at the 1600 block of Stockton Street.
Do you noticed that the truck tail end and lift area is parked in the blue colored curb with a sign on the pole:
I had to return back to this corner two hours later, because I did not wanted that driver to attack me for taking a picture of the sign as he was unloading! Maybe this truck is exempted or the driver had displayed a Disabled Person Placard in the front windshield. I also noticed empty parking space in front of the truck, therefore the driver could had parked further up and not blocking the blue zone. I forgot the driver would lose the easy access if a car parked behind him or is it just the old plain reason of being LAZY!

Just remember when you double park or not qualify to park in a blue zone, and a police or parking officer issued you a is because you are not the chosen one! 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Driving Antics #3

February 24, 2011-I have this magnetic personality or is it just a "blessing in disguise" human defect...that thing always happens when I am around!

This morning at 8:42 a.m. as I was taking my walk along Stockton Street, heading toward downtown. I was crossing Clay Street with the pedestrian crisscross controlled intersection, when just in front of me a mother with two children suddenly stopped in the intersection, because one of the children rolling school-bag wheels got struck in the numerous City's pot-holes. The mother was helping the child pull it out, and I noticed in the right corner of my eyes a van was proceeding slowing into the intersection...making a right turn from Stockton Street onto Clay Street. I decided to dilly dally on the crosswalk and the van driver honk the horn for me to clear the intersection, so the driver can complete the desired turn. I looked up and it was a "SF Paratransit" van number 723; that provide door-to-door services for wheelchair-bound seniors and individuals.
I looked at the black, female driver; which had clearly crossed the pedestrian yellow diagonal stripes crosswalk and pointed with a harsh cry: "No turn on red!"
She would had continue through but I took out my camera, and she just looked away. She is what I consider "professional drivers," which should know the rules & regulations of driving. The fine for California Vehicle Code, Section 22101 (D) No Turn On Red costs from $146 and up, depending upon localities. No problem since motorists are under the impression---where is the enforcement!

I sometimes wonder why nobody wanted to join me on my daily walks!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Free Parking In Chinatown

January 21, 2011-Two weeks ago all the San Francisco print, radio, television and internet media outlets were informing the public how the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) was falling short of its projected revenue and how the agency plan to make up the deficit…as Joy Houlihan, Deputy Director of Enforcement for the MTA told its board in a meeting…instruct the parking control officers to issue more citations. The public responses been mostly outrage, since motorists claims they are being fined to fund the ill-managed and ill-employed of the colossus MUNI city transit system.  Then wannabe politicians wanted to get into the action…Phil Ting, the city’s tax assessor-recorder posted in his Facebook an online petition sign-up for what he claims---“Ask City Hall to TEAR UP THE UNFAIR TICKET PLAN.” 

Majority of all parking tickets issued are justified and fall into two reasoning category…#1-Motorists carelessness---not reading the posted signs, not keeping track of the time and not looking at the painted curbs. #2-Motorists stupidity---the cops cannot be everywhere, I am just be gone for a few seconds, and the most pathetic excuse for double-parking in a busy street---I have rights!

I have been driving around the City for over fifty years and to my record only been issued one parking ticket during that time. It happened just two years ago for parking in a “Street Cleaning” spot. I had some out-of-state friends staying at the house; therefore I parked my car on the street and their traveling van in my garage. One Saturday evening after showing them the sights of the City, I parked my car in a spot that had “Street Cleaning” Tues-Thurs-Sun 4 A.M. to 6 A.M.
I figure it would be safe as long as I moved my car Sunday before nightfall. On Sunday afternoon, we all headed to my parked car for more sightseeing and to my surprise I had a parking ticket on my windshield. They all questioned me if I read the posted sign and I told them I indeed did and question why I was issued a ticket since it was not Sunday morning yet. They informed me that 4 A.M. was 8 hours ago, I thought Sunday 4 A.M. was tonight after midnight. They rightfully correct me that my reasoning would be Monday 4 A.M., therefore I had to add a third motorist reasoning category…personal senile!

I have no problem with parking control officers issuing citations, but I do have a problem with the Deputy Director of Enforcement asking for more tickets because not enough were issued the PAST few months. Why? It basically means that parking control officers were either goofing off or turning a blind eye from issuing tickets during that period of time!

A good case in point using the streets around Chinatown: Stockton Street between Columbus Avenue to Sacramento Street. Stockton Street heading toward Market Street between Columbus Avenue to Broadway is single lane in both directions with a painted double yellow lines divider. Stockton Street from Broadway to Sacramento Street heading toward Market Street has two lanes, while the opposite direction heading away from Market Street one lane only. These five blocks have painted yellow solid line on the side heading toward Market Street and broken lines on the side heading away of Market Street. I nickname the seven blocks from the Stockton Street Tunnel to Columbus Avenue  “The Stockton Street Bottleneck.” On some day and time period, a person can literally walk these seven blocks faster than a motorist drive through those blocks on either directions.

The City Planners have vastly improved the area with eliminating some parking spaces with bus stop islands, single pedestrians crisscross intersection signal, left turn only lanes in the away from Market Street direction, and new parking signs and restrictions to keep the flow of traffic moving. The actual methods and tools are in place, but the reality of enforcement is in fantasyland.

I have heard many comments about how bad Chinese pedestrians acts, crossing the intersection on red or not waiting for the “WALK” sign, thus standing on the curb watching other ethnic groups---young and old; doing the same acts does not warrant any additional comments from me. In the last five years of walking through the area, I have witness the aftermath of four pedestrians being hit by motorists in the crosswalks, and witness countless times of motorists honking or cursing at inattentive pedestrians.  Jaywalking is another big joke in the area, I was shock to see one afternoon a motorcycle cop traveling toward Market Street as an elderly Chinese woman jaywalk along Stockton Street and the officer made a u-turn to approach the lady to lecture her on the evil of her act…most likely she smiled and nodded in return! I have also watched and encountered many occasion motorists on those left turn only lane trying to beat the changing signal light and turning left on the red while the pedestrians are now in the crosswalk, then to my amazement majority of these drivers would be honking their horn for a clear pathway---kind of like a criminal calling the police while in the act of the crime!

In both directions along Stockton Street by the corner of Broadway are painted red zones, therefore allowing cars wanting to turn right onto Broadway on either direction a lane to wait for clearing crossing pedestrians without impeding the flow of traffic along Stockton Street. The problem is many occasions parked delivery trucks or motorists awaiting passengers are parked in the red, causing the flow of traffic to a standstill. There is also the problem of cars, buses, or trucks blocking the intersection due to the forefront traffic and causing the stoppage of traffic along the adjacent street. This could be easily corrected with the DMV Common Courtesy Rules of the Road…but wait---It’s my rights to get to my destination as quickly as possible and screw you all, therefore stick your honking up your rear-end!

The Stockton & Broadway intersection is the City cosmopolitan of driver’s lunacies. In all four directions, there are posted signs stating “NO LEFT TURN.” The only exception is Broadway heading toward the Broadway Tunnel with ‘MUNI Excepted.’ I have witness motorists, delivery drivers making left turn in either directions any days of the week and anytime of the day. Fire trucks and police cars with sirens and flashing lights making the left turns are understandable, but I watched a City’s service truck making a left turn is unacceptable. I even witness a tour bus making a left turn, because MUNI and tour bus must mean the same thing in the Vehicle Code! The supreme act of motorist’s lunacy on this intersection happened one Summer afternoon as a Coca Cola delivery truck, not the single truck with sliding side panels but a truck cab pulling a short length trailer; traveling along Stockton Street heading toward Market Street and wanting to make a delivery stop at the Walgreen Drug Store on the opposite side of the street. The driver stopped his truck prior to entering the Broadway intersection and waited for opposite side traffic to stop by the signal lights; then proceed to make a u-turn at the busy intersection and could not complete it in one motion. For close to ten minutes as frustrated pedestrians and motorists waited for the driver to backed up several times with other motorists maneuvering to allow some clearance for this fool to complete his u-turn. This is just fitting to Coca Cola 1979 slogan…”Have a Coke and a smile.” There is also the problem of the many countless times motorists are making u-turn on Stockton Street along the two blocks of single lane in either direction, and not being able to complete the maneuver because of traffic or space, thereby causing traffic stoppage in either directions. Both types of u-turn are in violation of the California Vehicle Code because it impeded the flow of traffic. It is also very ironic that San Francisco Police Department Central Station is located above Stockton Street along Vallejo Street.

The worst motorist’s offenders are the double-parking. The seven blocks of Stockton Street have posted signs making that act illegal and fineable offense:
Then what happened by Stockton by Jackson Street, Saturday-January 15, 2011 at 8:20 A.M.
Two delivery trucks double parking, when there are open spaces behind the island and further down the block.

Must be very good timing, a police car coming up the street and can help put revenue into the City budget.
The officer just drove right by, without even a warning…must be on break!

The next block the delivery truck is double-parked close to the bus stop, therefore forcing the bus driver to disembark rear door passengers away from the island platform area.

 Stockton by Jackson Street, Tuesday-January 18, 2011 at 10:01 A.M.
A fishery delivery truck double-parking, when there are plenty of parking spaces on the next corner. Also right behind the truck, a lady in red is about to jaywalk!

Stockton by Jackson Street, Saturday-January 22, 2011 at 8:10 A.M.
First to set up the area: Store #1 by the corner space sells produces & meats, Store #2 next door sells only produces and Store #3 next door sells produces & meats. In the photo Truck #1 on the left is a meat delivery truck, which is double parking and just started delivering meats to Store #1; Truck #2 in the middle of the photo, with its headlights on---a delivery truck driven by the owner of Store #3 is in the process of backing into a parking space just vacant by Truck #1---whom just finished delivering meats to Store #3; Truck #3 in the right of the photo---the blue front cab is double parking, which is delivering produces to all three stores.

I finally realize why some drivers double-park! Laziness and who is going to make me move! Could it be a total lack of enforcement by the City’s police department and the MTA-parking control officers, which is causing the entire traffic bottleneck in the area?

Need further proof…well, last Summer during one of my early morning daily walk toward Chinatown, I noticed the traffic along Columbus Avenue was backed up down to Mason Street. The usually morning traffic backup occurred right by Union Street, just prior to down Columbus Avenue heading toward the Financial District or turn right onto Stockton Street split. But this day as I was walking closer to the Stockton Street split, I noticed most of the blockade was for motorists and MUNI buses turning onto Stockton Street. I was now walking along Stockton Street and I noticed what was causing the big traffic mess…a double-parked food distribution tractor-trailer along the single lane for either direction section of Stockton Street, which was unloading perishable goods for the Walgreen Drug Store across the street. Market Street bound motorists had to wait for Market Street out-bound motorists clearance to go around the double-parked truck---it was a total mess! The two workers had no clue about their stupidity, eventhough angered horns were sounded. I figured it must have parked there close to 30 minutes before the driver moved the truck across Broadway to the two lanes section of Stockton Street. I noticed a very irritated waiting bus rider yelling at the driver to get his truck out of here for he is the cause of this big traffic mess. Remember I mentioned that the Central Police Station is just around the corner and Vallejo Street was blocked up too and car horns were sounding…I forgot---police station front window are bulletproof and soundproof. Plus MUNI have a inspector stationed on the corner of Columbus & Union Street…I forgot---ten buses all bunch together is normal occurrence in the MUNI!

Local San Francisco television station “KRON4” reporter Stanley Roberts has a weekly segment entitled “People Behaving Badly.” He aired three videos of the lax parking enforcement along this very area of Chinatown. The first video aired on March 18, 2008 entitled “Illegal Free Parking” about the 4 trucks parked in yellow zone, within the 1300 block of Stockton Street (where the Walgreen Drug Store is located), several of the trucks owned by the merchants on that block, parking for all day without feeding the meter or moving, and no DPT (Department of Parking and Traffic, which is the enforcement section of MTA) parking control officer chalking or citing the vehicles.

The second video aired April 17, 2008 entitled “Increased Enforcement” is a follow-up of the first video. Someone in either MTA or DPT must have seen or heard about the first video and now the parking control officers are out in force to cite vehicles overstaying the 30 minutes limit in yellow zone spaces. The video show how these drivers are now moving the trucks to various spots along Chinatown because as Stanley claims new officers would be out in force for the next 6 months. I remember vividly that incident where local merchants were complaining about the so-called harassment of these officers, but after 30 days it was all back to normal---park in front of store all day and no need to feed the meter!

The third video aired September 25, 2009 entitled “Still Parked For Too Long” showed 4 trucks parking beyond the 30 minutes without moving or feeding the meter. This video brought in three special point…#1-As Stanley was filming the appearance of parking control officers on the scene, he overheard on one of the officer two-way radio to cite overtime parking trucks in the area; therefore people around the area have connection with DPT. #2-Enforcement is not lax but selective and reluctantly; officers are issuing tickets for overtime vehicles but not trucks parked at the same spot for a long period of time. #3-Enforcement is nothing but a big show; the officer was chalking an overtime parked truck tires, when Stanley brought to his attention that the meter expired 90 minutes ago. The correct procedure is first check the meter, if expired issue the citation, if the meter is not expired---chalk the tires! Stanley in all his videos never imply that something fishy is going between the officers and the drivers of those parked trucks, but the Wizard knows better.

The year is 2011, all those trucks listed in those videos are still now currently parked along Stockton & Jackson Street; several of the merchants have changed vehicles and several new merchants have joined in the free parking practices. I can still recall an newspaper article involving a “meter maid” as they were called in the late 1980’s before the ‘political correctness age;’ also they were part of the police department those days too. The officer had the Chinatown beat and was busted and eventually terminated for leaving the Hall of Justice with a briefcase full with currencies laden red envelopes. Majority of the Chinatown merchants in the late 1980’s are no longer doing business in the area, and I not implying that these bribery practices are standard business practices in Chinatown, but I have to wonder…to be less obvious---free of charge breakfast, lunch; free bag of fruits, meats, vegetables; free of charge groceries or other services. Why?

Look at these posted signs:
How can a parking control officer not notice the same truck parking at the same space everyday and not feeding the meter? How can a parking control officer allow a merchant’s personal SUV park in commercial truck loading zone, which is a tow-away offense too. The officer might not be getting any favors, but by not citing these incidents it just support the notion that favor were tendered. Then there is the question where are the officer supervisor or are they involved in the favors too! Lastly MTA and DPT management must realize that in order to increase revenue it’s not just by increase ticket writing but quit selective enforcement and have their personnel just start doing their job!

I wish to post an article San Francisco Examiner reporter Will Reisman wrote on December 8, 2010:
            Ingleside District police Capt. Louis Cassanego said that before the
            Election, many of his patrol officers were reluctant to pull over and
            Cite motorists due to concerns that miffed drivers might then vote
            In favor of Prop. B, the controversial proposal to reform The City’s
            Public pension program.
This kind of put into perspective on why the ticket revenue has fallen from the projected amount!