Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Parking Antics #4-Update

January 31, 2012-The political pundits been crying that America is heading for "class warfare," which pits the 1% (wealthy) versus the 99% (non-wealthy). The truth in today's society is not solely on wealth but the combination of the following:
1. Who you know (Politicians, Judges, Administrators, Power Brokers, CEO, Police Officers...)
2. How much you can afford to pay (Best lawyers, Brides...)
and 3. The correct professional. (Athletics, Movie Stars, Well-known Entrepreneur...)
A person with all three of these traits, when encounter a bad situation can always summon the "Get Out Of Jail" free pass, while the average citizens must deal with the---tough luck, you are on your own!

My favorite theme in the City been "Selective Enforcement" when it comes to law enforcement officials on parking & driving regulations. Last Wednesday I watched a foot patrol police officer along Vallejo & Stockton Street issuing a citation to the driver of a SUV double-parked while a passenger loading groceries from the sidewalk. Then I look down Stockton or Columbus Street, with delivery trucks double-parked unloading not a warning or citation issued. I understand they are afforded a courtesy of doing business but there are opened yellow parking zones spaces available (just not right in front of the unloading business usually) and the posted "No Double Parking Any Time Commercial Vehicles Included" sign must means something else!

Today at 8:19 a.m. on the corner of Union & Stockton Street, my two-time offender "DBI Beverage San Francisco" delivery truck, making delivery to "Original Joe's":
Either this driver took a different DMV test than the rest of the State's drivers or he think marked crosswalk are nothing but a mirage. Today I got a double whammy...that is a uniformed police officer in the middle of the picture, his red unmarked sedan parked on the right side. The officer was removing all the "SFPD white diamond signs" attached to the nearby parking meters for 'no parking' during the "Original Joe's" grand opening event. The officer  did not consider the truck parked in the crosswalk  as a hazard or violation.
Thus if you are one of the 99%...go ahead and park in the crosswalk---
You might get:
1. Cited
2. Towed
3. Lectured
4. Billy-clubbed
5. Arrested
6. Tear gassed
7. Pepper sprayed
or worst...all of the above.

San Francisco Water Conservation Program For Ratepayers Only?

January 31, 2012-This year winter weather patterns have produced very little rainfall, which means less snow packs in the Sierra Nevada Mountains equal lower reservoirs water capacity and eventually led to stricter water usage. I can still recall May 1988, when the City implemented mandatory water rationing allotment for all its customers; but the year 2012 is a new era...

This morning at 6:45 a.m. on my morning stroll toward the wharf, I noticed streams of water heading toward the corner sewer outlets along the 2000 block of Powell Street. It was still dark, therefore just my luck I did not have my camera with me, but I did noticed a white City emblem pickup truck with the emergency overhead lights double-parked near the ruptured water line in the middle of the block. The truck had those heavy-duty front bumper, therefore the Wizard surmised that it was a MUNI supervisor on the scene reporting the incident to his dispatcher.

On the way back home at 7:25 a.m. a lone City official wearing a yellow safety vest was surveying the flow of water by the bottom of the block. I walked to the rupture area and noticed a green San Francisco Water Department pick-up truck parked nearby.

At 8:11 a.m. on my normal stroll through Chinatown with my camera:

Water is still flowing.
No signs of Water Department vehicles.
No emergency cones or barriers to prevent vehicles from putting additional pressures to the asphalt. The Wizard surmised that the asphalt on this section was paved by a reputable contractor instead of that company that used sub-standard materials.
A passerby noticed me taking pictures asked if the City were notified. I told him a Water department official was here at 7:25 a.m. and the water is still running. He replied...don't they owe the pipes? I told him...yes, but it seems that they don't care!

Latest update at 9:35 a.m. I gone out to take this last picture:
Water still spewing out at the ruptured ground opening and no City service vehicles nearby. A police squad car drove by just as I snapped the picture, and he did not even stop to investigate the water flows. It just a case of wrong neighborhood...if this occurred in downtown, financial district, Marina or Pacific Heights a service crews would be here by 8:00 a.m. follow with several news channel mobile units.