Monday, November 18, 2013

North Beach Oddities

November 17, 2013-Sunday-8:05 a.m.-The City of San Francisco have over 100,000 registered dogs, which some claims to be more than the number of school-aged children enrolled in the City. I decided to sit in front of my window and count how many dogs passed by from 7 a.m. to  7 p.m. I picked a day which I had no chores or errands needed be done, the wife was mad that I camped in front of window with a TV tray during lunch and snacks, I told her it was an important "scientific experiment," unfortunately she was not happy about my quick bathroom dash and subsequently mess. My count were for the initial pet owners and their dogs, since several walked by in the morning and again in the evening. I counted in that time period: 37 dogs, 2 loose cats, 11 bums and 186 vehicles not making a complete stop at the 4-way "STOP" intersection (I really quit counting after 2 p.m.-it was getting too frustrating).

My main problems are the "irresponsible dog owners," especially the ones that refuse to pick up their dog's poop! Several of my neighbors have other grips: dog urinating along side of their building or sidewalk and pet owners tossing their doggie poop bags in planted trees area or sidewalk. Dog owners would cried…"Dog-less person, what's your problem?"

In the summer of 1976, I adopted a mixed breed labrador/mutt puppy from SPCA. After 16 years, she died in the operating table from a bleeding ulcer. In those days the neighborhood only had a total of 5 dogs; a Italian chef-german shepherd, a Oriental mailman-chow chow, a Oriental city worker-german shepherd, and a Irish retiree-mixed breed husky/german shepherd. We all curb the dogs, meaning dogs did their business between the parked cars. In 1978, supervisor Harvey Milk passed the "pooper scooper law" requiring dog owners to scoop up their pet's poop in public. People were mad at the few dog owners allowing their dogs to poop all over the City's parks. The City had "pooper scooper officers" to issue citation to dog owner whom did not compiled. I can still recall walking the dog and holding the scooper-a broomstick brush with a broomstick dustpan. The law is still on the book today,  since dog owners have more clout than before…there are now special-made dog park in the City and some dogs are even roaming freely in regular City park areas.

Now back to the problem…January 31, 2012-8:15 a.m.
Doggie poop in the middle of the sidewalk on the 600 block of Greenwich Street.

March 17, 2013-7:57 a.m.
Doggie poop in the middle of the sidewalk on the 1900 block of Powell Street.

Back to this morning on my daily walk, I noticed the following
Someone or two person tossed their doggie poop bags by the side of a storefront.

The store which happen to be a pet store called "Jeffrey's Natural Pet Foods" at 1841 Powell Street.
Maybe the dog owner or owners were in the act of defiance of the store high prices or bad dog foods selection.

Or maybe,
Just a case of "lazy and irresponsible dog owner."