Saturday, September 24, 2011

Why Bother With Parking Enforcement In Chinatown

September 24, 2011-Since my last encounter with a police officer on the issue of double parking, I have abandon my normal fury on the total lax of parking enforcements in Chinatown. This morning not one but two situations reinforced my long-term suspicion that---enforcements are and will always be selective in nature.

The latest big debate in Chinatown been how several mayoral candidates have sided against the Central Subway Project, claiming too costly and not enough ridership. Many San Franciscans have written comments on one of the reason why buses have a hard times navigating through the Chinatown/Stockton Street corridors are the numerous double-parked vehicles in the area. I have seen this first hand everyday, therefore politicians and local leaders decided it time to send the Chinatown commuters underground.

On the 1200 block of Stockton Street, one delivery truck double-parked unloading cargo to the nearby business. On the next block of 1100  Stockton Street, another truck double-park unloading cargo to the nearby business; both of these trucks were parked right in front of the business they were delivering---convenient or just plain lazy? I noticed at 8:28 a.m. a motorcycle police officer traveling up the 1100 block of Stockton Street and slowly approaching the lady driver unloading the double-parked truck. The lady smiled and nodded her head, as the officer drove around the truck and parked in front. The lady quickly pushed her load to the street and raised her lift gate. She headed toward the front driver compartment, and then I observed this next:
I thought finally somehow start enforcing the rules of the posted signs on this street---no double parking, including commercial vehicles. The officer himself double-parked his motorcycle on the street, using the truck as his shield against other vehicles, and headed for the nearby produces store. The driver realized that she can double-park and returned back to unloading her truck.
The driver this time decided to turn on the flashing yellow signals to warn others that she's unloading. The officer continue picking apples in the front stand. I wanted to check if the store offer police officers discount, but something else caught my attention.
Another motorcycle police officer traveled through the block, and he too did not deem double parking as a violation. The Wizard ponder two questions: #1-motorcycle police officers are the most cognizant of the California Motor Vehicle Codes; #2-the numerous illegal left turns, running red lights, illegal u-turns, turning right on "no turn on red" and double-parking; which  I noticed each day. Today two police officers and I had the same bewilderment optical never happened!

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