Wednesday, May 25, 2011

San Francisco City Worker Abuse or Above the Law?

May 25, 2011-On my morning walk through Chinatown, I noticed a strange occurrence (or normal daily happenings whenever I am taking a walk) at the intersection of Stockton & Broadway; a white compact-like SUV on Stockton Street outbound from downtown, suddenly decided to make a left turn onto Broadway. The intersection have posted signs for "no left turn onto Broadway," and the white vehicle  had a roof mounted light bar with City's emblem on its door. I took out my trusted camera for this shot as he was about to complete the turn:
The time was 8:58 a.m., the driver never used the vehicle left turn signal nor had the light bar white & amber lights flashing. On this corner I have seen police cars, fire trucks and ambulances making left turns with sirens, horns blasting and flashing lights; in performance of their duties. I have also seen delivery trucks, taxi-cabs, motorists and City's vehicles making illegal left turns, on the assumption that they are exempt or the signs are meant for someone else. The MUNI buses are the only allowable City's vehicle to make a left turn up Broadway onto Stockton Street. I remember this City's driver, whom would be in a upcoming post too, therefore I walked up Broadway in anticipation of something special.

I watched as the City's vehicle drove up Broadway on the far left lane and stopped on the next intersection---Powell Street to make another illegal left turn. This corner only allowable left turn vehicle are the fire trucks returning back to the fire station on that block. The white City's vehicle now had the rear light bar amber lights flashing, as the driver await the cross traffic to clear. I know that flashing blue and red lights are for police, flashing red lights are fire & ambulances, and flashing white & amber lights are for utilities and construction vehicles. The City's vehicle is not on any emergency other than usurp two illegal left turns on the pretense of official duties. The driver did not make a left turn, but he instead made a U-turn. The Wizard surmised that this driver either do not understand vehicle codes or think driving a City's vehicle he is exempt. I watched as the driver drove back down Broadway slowly and closely to the parked cars on his right. The rear amber lights still flashing.
The City's vehicle was a Chevrolet Tracker with body ID number of 158 M 736. I could not locate any department markings, since I noticed the driver was checking at the parked cars as he drove by...I thought he might be working for Parking & Traffic---DPT.
I was taking additional pictures and the driver was getting suspicious or nervous (a guilty feelings)...he took out his cellular phone to shoot a picture of me. I wonder if it's illegal to shoot picture with a cellular phone while driving. I had to shoot my picture quickly too, a truck wanted to make the turn out of the alley, therefore the fuzziness!

I checked the City's website to see what kind of procedures to report City's worker abuse. They have a "Whistleblower Complaints Program" which stated:

The City and County of San Francisco's Whistleblower Complaints Program receives and tracks complaints about the quality and delivery of government services, wasteful and inefficient City government practices, misuse of government funds, and improper activities by City government officials, employees and contractors.

Then I checked what the City's definition of "abuse"...

The intentional, wrongful, or improper use or destruction of City resources, or seriously improper practice that does not involve prosecutable fraud. Abuse can include the excessive or improper use an employee or official's position in a manner other than its rightful or legal use.

The site allows complaint to be file online, but I would not be able add these nice pictures. I can also call the 311 Customer Service Center, but pictures are worth more than words. Lastly I can  mail in my complaint. 

Remember in are innocence until proven guilty. Unfortunately justice does not always prevail---because of loopholes; law enforcement missteps, judicial procedure missteps, evidences missteps, witnesses missteps, medical & psychological missteps and lastly the power of the rich & famous! I figure this City worker is in management  or supervisory, since he have a vehicle with a roof light bar---a sign of power! If a investigation is started, he would refute all my findings since his work history would show he's a good decent City worker whom just make some bad driving judgements. A slap on the wrist and all is forgotten. 

I believe independent investigation of worker abuse are more impartial than City's Controller, which have more conflict of interests or known accomplices. The Wizard findings concluded that the City's worker was indeed an abuser and thinks he's above the law---why?

#1-He made the left turn onto Broadway on a last moment, he turned left onto the far right lane barely missing the parked car---why? He trying to locate a parking spaces along the right side of the 700 block of Broadway. 

#2-No available parking spaces on the right side, he made the U-turn. He drove down slowly not checking on the parked cars but for an available parking space. 

Now wait---these are all assumptions...maybe yes or maybe no!

I mentioned earlier how I recognized this City's worker; April 29, 2011 at 8:55 a.m. this same driver came down Broadway along the commuter "TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING 7 A.M. TO 9 A.M." lane with his front rooftop white and amber lights flashing. He stopped and parked at a fire hydrant, got out of his vehicle and headed for the right side of the 700 block of Broadway.
Today on my walk back home at 9:21 a.m., the City's worker Tracker is parked on the yellow zone on the 600 block of Broadway.
This City's worker must make regular visit along the 700 block of Broadway, therefore he qualify as a "Chronically Abuser."

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