Friday, May 12, 2017

Chinatown Parking Antics #4

May 11, 2017-Thursday-900 am-My same old "pet peeves" of selective enforcement by PCO-Parking Control Officer in Chinatown. Plus the same old Chinese PCO not doing his job, because of the deals he made with merchants and vendors. 

On the 1100 block of Stockton Street Northbound, approaching toward Pacific Avenue have two lanes; the left lane only for left turn into Pacific Avenue, while the right lane is the straight ahead along Stockton Street. This PCO allows vendors to park their trucks along the right lane clearly painted red to unload, forcing all traffic along Stockton Street into one lane. I recall one day a new vendor parked his truck at that spot and the PCO told him he had ten minutes to unload and leave. I return back from my walk 30 minutes later and the truck was still there and the PCO was nowhere in sight. 

Today with my luck, 2 trucks was parked along the right lane and just as the PCO driving by. The first truck was unloading, but the second truck looked as if it was just parked by the corner. 
The PCO just passed the two parked trucks and he made a U-turn!
Then he parked southbound along Stockton Street.
Right between a pallet of goods; which store owner use to save parking space, and a gray pick-up truck; which belong to one of the owner of business there. The graffiti laden truck behind the pick-up belong to another store owner, which would park along there until the business closes at 6 pm.

As this is being unfold, the northbound lane are getting backed up from car waiting to turn left into Pacific Avenue and through traffic drivers struck behind it.
This traffic mess is the result of the PCO...#1-Selective enforcement and #2-Making deals-someone should check the PCO scooter rear compartment---the boxes of fruits and vegetables!

The main reason that ire me is how the Chinese community was up in arms when the City wanted to made "bus only lane" along Stockton Street to move buses along this corridor much faster. The transit riders loved that idea, it was really the store owners whom was against it...they would lose those free all day parking spaces. The store owners were crying how they would lose money, since vendors cannot park to drop off goods. My answer to their concern is how come the PCO assigned to the area is not enforcement the 30 minutes limit of trucks parked in the yellow zone all along Stockton Street.

Corruption and graft in Chinatown is always been the norm. Last week AT&T was working along the southbound lane of Stockton Street between three intersection; Pacific, Jackson and Washington. Monday and Tuesday a Chinese MUNI supervisor was posted at the corner of Jackson Street, I figure to keep an eye out of any traffic problems, but he basically did nothing at all...eating and chatting on his cellphone. Wednesday a African-American MUNI supervisor was standing on the Jackson Street southbound bus stop. He was walking up and down the 1100 block threaten double parked trucks with ticket if they did not move. Then on Thursday another African-American MUNI supervisor  just stood at the bus stop chit-chatting with the passing driver. The strange thing of all this---PCO and MUNI are all under the same main office of the SFMTA. No wonder nothing ever change!

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