Friday, October 5, 2012

Chinatown New Parking Rules?

October 4, 2012-Thursday-8:26 a.m.-This morning I noticed a City's worker painting new curb color codes along the 1200 block of Stockton Street:
Maybe the old colors were fading or...

The City's wanted to make the words "TOW AWAY" more clearly, since even the newly painted red bus stop curbs now have the "TOW AWAY" stencil on them too. Either motorists do not understand the meaning of red and yellow colors curb markings, the yellow cone-topper on the parking meters or better yet my same old tune---lax of enforcement!

Chinatown's civil leaders and businessmen have cried for decades of how lack of parking, traffic congestion and reliable public transportation have stagnant local economy and community well-beings. The truth of matter these problems are mainly perpetrated by those civil leaders and businessmen whom  constantly complaining...lack of parking-90% of available parking spaces in Chinatown are occupied by vehicles with blue "Disabled Parking Placard," which over 75% are Chinatown's merchants. Reliable public transportation-the money pit "Central Subway" to nowhere, which a political debt to the 'Dragon Lady,' whom I would address another day. Traffic congestion-my pet peeve in Chinatown---lax of enforcement on double parking.

A City's worker painting new colors curb on the 1200 block of Stockton Street and on the next block of 1100 Stockton Street, a Isuzu produce delivery truck double park:
The funny thing about this produce truck, before it started to unload or even decided to double park:
The Oriental female driver could had pull into the curb parking space behind...but she did not do that---why? Lazy and who's going to stop her!

There are "NO DOUBLE PARKING ANYTIME" signs posted all along Stockton Street, but any given day or time there would be delivery trucks or motorists double park along these blocks. I noticed in my daily walks through Chinatown there are two main double parking culprits---a meat delivery company truck and this lady produce truck.

Each morning seven days a week, this Isuzu produce truck driven by this lady would double park in front of a sidewalk cut-out in front of three produce stores by the corner of Jackson Street and Stockton:
'Little Paradise Candy Store' 1101 Stockton; sells meats and produces, formerly candies store---cheaper to keep original store name. 'Sheng Hing Market Inc.' 1107 Stockton; sells produces only, 'New United Supermarket Inc.' 1117 Stockton; sells meats, fishes, produces and canned goods. Owner a young man in mid-forties parked his compact SUV along Jackson Street metered space with a blue "DP" placard. The lady produce driver park at this spot because she can deliver her produces to all three stores with the lest of effort---lazy!

July 26, 2012-Thursday-8:26 a.m.
A MUNI bus had to go around the double park truck and the normal Chinatown jay-walkers. 
Plenty of legally curbside parking behind her...
July 27, 2012-Friday-8:32 a.m.-'New United Supermarket Inc' at 1117 Stockton Street store delivery truck double park at spot. 
The truck was there over 10 minutes, no hazard lights flashing (do not wanted to get anybody attention, especially law enforcements) and was not loading or unloading!
July 28, 2012-Saturday-8:21 a.m.-Another problem in Chinatown are many stores have delivery trucks used as extra storage spaces and parked in front of store all day. Yellow zone have 30 minutes limit and metered space, funny thing they never get tagged except several years ago when channel 4 KRON Stanley Roberts' "People Behaving Badly" segment had several episodes on free parking in Chinatown that DPT cracked down on these free-loafing trucks parking. The enforcements lasted just two months, someone must had complained to City Hall of racial profiling.
'Kin Sun Market' at 1108 Stockton Street, company storage truck at normal spot
July 28, 2012-Saturday-8:21 a.m.-Next to the sidewalk cut-out by 'New United Supermarket Inc.' at 1117 Stockton Street, boxes are placed by street to save the spot for the company storage truck to return to its normal parking spot for the rest of the day
July 28, 2012-Saturday-8:21 a.m.-The white Isuzu produce truck is back again
July 31, 2012-Tuesday-8:40 a.m.-A 'Sunnyvale Seafood Corp.' from Union City tractor-trailer double-park at the 1100 block of Stockton Street
Plenty of curbside parking spaces, but could had been fully parked earlier...why? The driver just returned from delivering his load one block down at 1200 block of Stockton Street!

August 16, 2012-Thursday-8:25 a.m.-The white Isuzu produce truck
The whole block of curbside parking spaces are available!

September 4, 2012-Tuesday-8:40 a.m.-The white Isuzu produce truck
Traffic backing up as a vehicle awaiting to turn left at Jackson Street and a police squad car approaching
Not a motor vehicle violation or hazard, the squad car never stopped. I have watched police squad cars, motorcycle officers (one time the lady produce driver even waved at a passing cyclist officer) and DPT  officers just drive by without any warning. Only one time I noticed a police officer in a bicycle told the lady that she had to move. She started to raise up the rear lift and noticed the officer turned left on Jackson Street and proceed to lower the lift and continue unloading. The two DPT officers in Chinatown I had shown in previous articles on how they were getting discounts from many of these delivery vendors and mostly likely merchants too. If I can see these trucks double park or parked all day in the same spot and sworn officers of the law do not see what I see...there must be the old---"Selective Enforcement."

August 3, 2012-Friday-8:20 a.m.-A DPT officer just completed his morning shopping

September 8, 2012-Saturday-8:24 a.m.-the white Isuzu produce truck is back
Plenty of legally curbside parking and 'New United Supermarket Inc.' 1107 Stockton have the normal boxes on the street to save the long term parking space for its company storage truck.

The second worst double-parking culprit in Stockton Street is 'Yosemite Meat Co.' from Modesto, CA.
June 16, 2012-Saturday-8:36 a.m.
We are still along the 110 block of Stockton Street, but the truck is at the opposite direction-one lane
Cars are allowed to pass this double-park truck, since the broken yellow lines are on the inside. The problem is ahead of the truck is a MUNI bus stop!

September 17, 2012-Monday-8:27 a.m.
The 'Yosemite Meat Co.' just decided to parked and unload on the 1200 block of Stockton Street red zone bus stop.

I wanted to show how "Selective Enforcement" is not a theory but a reality in Chinatown. In my afternoon "old men chit-chat session," two buddies were astonish that nobody ever ran me over yet---I told them I am very light-footed! Plus I always have my collapsible aluminum cane handy nearby. My main point is rules and regulations are only enforced whenever  and whomever---money talks! Signs are posted and it basically there for decorations---nobody paid much attention.
Another  chatting buddies blame it on DMV for allowing potential California drivers to take the driving written test in language other than English. He claims DMV now listed 10 different language translations of the California Driver Handbook other than English version. I told him those that take the non-English written test must pass another traffic signs test, since when do they ever translate posted signs on the street. He told me to check along Chinatown street signs! I told him all drivers must have some basic English knowledge, since not all police officers are bilingual. All my buddies just laughed and said in these new electronic technology all the driver needs to say..."me no understand, need translator!"

The City's is planning to install "Transit Only" lane along the Stockton Street corridor, to improve the travel time of it's MUNI buses. Camera would be installed in front of the buses to photograph violators such as double-parking. I wonder what it take to bribe a bus---better diesel octane or fluffy tire pressure!

***UPDATE #1***
October 5, 2012-Friday-8:40 a.m.-I figure Grant Avenue might have Chinese translation, but all the alleys in Chinatown!
One morning I would take a walk up to Russian Hills, maybe the streets are translated in Russian too!

Also yesterday lone City's painter just picked up the cones from finishing painting yellow curb along the 1100 block of Stockton Street---odd side only. Yesterday he did only the odd side of 1200 block, because of the congestion of parked trucks, delivered goods and pedestrians make it impossible to complete any works after 8 a.m. Either bad planning or logistics issues, at this lone painter pace---it might take two weeks just to complete this painting projects---typical City's efficient!

***UPDATE #2***
October 6, 2012-Saturday-8:28 a.m.-The female driver of the white Isuzu produce truck double-parked at her normal corner spot.

I was able to get a better view of the company "D X Y" with "CA209258" and California license number "8V14343."

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chinatown Parking Antics #2

August 1, 2012-Wednesday-8:41 a.m.-At the corner of Pacific Avenue & Stockton Street, a "Obaba Seafood Co." delivery truck out of San Jose; parked completely over the pedestrians crosswalk with the rear lift gate down:
 The lift gate is sticking out in the mid-air as pedestrians are walking by it:
The delivery man shown no concern for the general public nor motor vehicle codes. Not to mention my same old tune---where's the enforcement?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

MUNI Driver Antics

September 25, 2012-Tuesday-8:40 a.m.-This morning stroll through Chinatown along Stockton Street heading toward Downtown,  as I approached the cross street of Washington, I noticed on the left far side of the 900 block of Stockton Street, a parked MUNI outbound  #45-Union/Stockton trolleybus.

Why did this bus caught my eye?
#1-It was not parked at a bus stop, but at a "Tow-Away No Stopping Any Time" lane
#2-The bus was not parked flush to the curb, with the rear of the bus 45 degree angle out
#3-Passengers had disembarked off the bus, walking down Stockton Street
#4-The bus two electrical poles were not connected to the overhead wires
#5-The bus emergency flasher were not flashing
#6-The interior of the bus was dark
#7-There were still some passengers seated inside.

My first assumption either the bus broke down or involved in an accident, since I approached the bus on the left side of the street and noticed behind was a parked black Toyota Corolla with the yellow flashing lights. I looked around the area and could not locate the driver of the bus #5562. I had a sense of the "idiot-magnet," but my other two walking buddies claims its way off today. I kept looking back as we continue walking and then...

The Oriental driver came out of a shop, checked the traffic behind the bus and started to connect the trolley poles to the overhead electrical wires. I hurried down the block to catch a closer shot of the bus...
The driver came out of "Yummy Dim Sum & Fast Food" at 930 Stockton Street. 
The parked black Toyota Corolla driver came out from the shop too. The reason the driver disconnected the poles, in order to allow any #30-Stockton bus to pass the shenanigan driver parked #45-Union bus. The reason the driver did not turn the flashing emergency yellow lights, to avoid attention of this stupid act. This time in the morning most roving MUNI supervisors are busy elsewhere, and the closest stationary supervisor is located far down his route at Columbus & Union Street. The reason the driver checked the traffic behind him is not to prevent from getting run over but to make sure his follower---the next #45 bus did not pass him. If using the MUNI schedule as a guide, this bus could be the 8:35 a.m. bus at Stockton & Sutter Street bus stop and the next bus is due there at 8:43 a.m.

One of my buddies claims that driver must have some nerves to pull that stunt. I told him just normal MUNI driving procedures. The driver knew all his ridership are Oriental and would not voice a complaint, I doubt this idiot would pull the same stunt in the Marina district. If he does get caught all he have to say...he had a sudden case of the diarrhea!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Tour Bus Antics

September 17, 2012-The worst drivers in the City of San Francisco are usually the "professional drivers," these are people that make a living either by driving all day or driving to and from different locations. I am not talking about normal stupid acts of...quick with the horn, wavering in and out of traffic, sudden stops, blocking traffic lane, illegal left turns or u-turns, running or jumping the signal light, and the signature final act---flipping the finger or mouthing the magic word "_ _ _ _ing idiot!" I have seen my share of these from MUNI drivers, transit drivers, commuters van drivers, para transit drivers, cab drivers, limo drivers, delivery drivers, service drivers, construction drivers, and the other day garbage truck drivers. I have included tour bus drivers to the equation, especially the one I encounter this morning. It is not the normal stupid acts that irksome, but the blandly disregards act  in violation of the California motor vehicle codes.

The time is 8:38 a.m.. the location: intersection of Broadway & Powell Street. I was standing on the South-East side corner crosswalk of Powell Street awaiting for the pedestrians signal lights to turn green in order to cross Broadway, standing next to me were many parents & youngsters awaiting to cross the street to the left side "Jean Parker Elementary School" at 840 Broadway. Vehicles traffic were flowing in both directions along Broadway, and a tour bus van was stopped behind the white crosswalk line in the left turn outlet lane. The light turned green and we all started to cross Broadway and I noticed the tour bus suddenly bolted across the intersection to make the left turn. The school crossing guard yelled out and the tour bus nearly hit a car traveling southbound on Powell, whom was honking his horn. The tour bus double parked by the corner as I noticed two tourist-like people (did not have the  normal San Franciscan's DNA) running for the bus on the other side crosswalk.

I ran over to take the following:
It was an "Extranomical Tours" bus, vehicle #1115, TCP#18350, license #52849B1, driven by a Caucasian driver. Many newspapers do not mention the ethnicity of perpetrator due to the new rule of being politically correct, but I am not selling newspaper or advertisements---just an eye-witness account.

The driver is an idiot or maybe just stupid? The light sequences at that intersection are the following: traffic along Broadway, heading toward the Embarcadero-from Marin county to financial district, pass through the Broadway tunnel to first signal lights at the intersection of Powell Street. There is a left turn outlet lane to Powell Street at the intersection. A red light at the intersection stopped all Broadway traffic in both directions, which allows the cross traffic in both directions along Powell Street to pass through. The next signal light would be for the Broadway traffic heading down toward Embarcedero with a green lights for traffic to proceed down Broadway and a green arrow for the left turn onto Powell Street. Traffic in the opposite direction along Broadway and pedestrians on relevant crosswalk are stopped by red light so that vehicles can safely turn left. The left turn green arrow stayed on for about 15 to 20 seconds and then turned red, and the traffic heading toward Marin county into the Broadway tunnel gets the green lights to proceed. I first thought maybe the driver misread the signal as if it had the "Left Turn Yield On Green" sign, but he was stopped behind the white crosswalk lines and was not already stopped within the intersection. In hindsight he was just an idiot!

Many of the walking buddies refuse to come along with my walk through Chinatown, but if I said today we are taking the seaside tour they are happy to tag along. They claims I have this bad habit of running into so many unbelievable predicaments. I told them you heard about guys being "chick-magnet" well I am a "idiot-magnet." I told one of my buddy what happened and he asked me if I yelled at the driver like that school crossing guard did. I told him why bother, since ever try reasoning with a idiot!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Recology Truck Antics

September 13, 2012-I can still recall in ancient times the City of San Francisco had two companies that handle the residential garbage collection services: Golden Gate Disposal; which handle the financial district, North Beach & Marina districts, and Sunset Scavenger Company; which handle the outlying neighborhood districts. Depending upon where you lived would dictate what time your garbage would be picked up. If you lived near the financial districts it would mean very early in morning pick-up. We lived about two blocks from Fisherman's Wharf, therefore the garbage collectors cleans up the Wharf's businesses early in the morning and come by our house around 5:00 a.m. The metal garbage cans would be situated by the side doorway and the garbageman would empty the cans onto a burlap sack and then haul it over his shoulder out to the truck. Occasionally you can hear the metal garbage can lid rattling against the pavement. In the late 1980's the two garbage collection companies merged to form "Norcal" and then in 2009 changed the company name to the present "Recology." We no longer have metal or rubber garbage cans, but standardized colored garbage totes: black, for landfill waste; blue, for recyclable items; and green, for compost items. In the old days the garbage truck come through the neighborhood block one to three times a week, depending upon the number of requested service pick-up. Currently my block have a garbage truck picking trash Monday through Saturday. My house and  majority others on the block have Wednesday collection day. My next door neighbor have Tuesday & Friday collection days. One house on my side have Monday collection day and another house on the opposite side have Thursday collection day. These collection days are for the black & blue totes only. The green compost tote is done by another garbage truck. There are two condominium complex in the block, a different type of garbage truck handle their trash, which consist of long rolling bins. One complex have collection day of Tuesday & Friday, while the other Wednesday & Saturday.

In other words, I have seen my share of garbage trucks just along my own block. I have also seen garbage trucks in the neighborhood: driving in the wrong side of the street, going in the opposite direction in a one way street, backing up the whole block, blocking a crosswalk, running a red light, making a illegal left turn, and numerous other motor vehicle violations. I do not fault the drivers, nor I expect law enforcement agencies to cite them, because of the nature of the job required them to take these actions to complete their task of collecting the garbage.

Except this morning at 8:30 a.m., a Recology truck for route #232, parked at the far end of the bus stop heading downtown on the corner of Stockton & Columbus:
I have noticed this same garbage truck parked at this spot for several weeks. My first impression was the driver was picking up trash nearby. Just last week I noticed the local Recology lady supervisor for the North Beach area parking her company pickup truck in front of the parked garbage truck chatting with the driver, therefore the company acknowledge the present of this truck at that location. A busy bus stop for two electric trolley lines: #30 Stockton & #45 Union and one long-articulated diesel bus line: #8X Bayshore Express.

To my amazement this morning, I was able to watch this Recology driver get out of his truck and shut down his engine.
The driver was not picking up no garbage nearby, instead he was heading to a coffee shop along the 400 block of Columbus Avenue for a cup of coffee!

The driver could had parked at the space ahead of the red zone bus stop.
I forgot the two rules of "self-centered person"
#1-Don't give a damn of others. (Bus riders tough luck)
#2-Least effort! (If I parked farther up, therefore I had to back out of space)
Special note: the alley the truck is parked by is Card Alley, the exit route of Vallejo  Street Central Police Station patrol cars. A very bad blind spot, but everybody on the impression that this garbage truck is picking garbage nearby.

The driver getting a cup of coffee and be right back. I doubt it and the time is now 9:05 a.m.
The long 8X bus cannot pull into the bus stop and have to load out in the street-double park! The morning traffic along Columbus Avenue going toward Fisherman's Wharf already bad with one lane by Washington Square Park due to the stupid Central Subway Escape Hatch construction project. Now with this coffee sipping garbageman stupidity blocking traffic along the opposite side of Stockton & Columbus roadways.

The Wizard have a old saying: Some people smells like garbage and some people are like garbage!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Post Office Flag Etiquette?

July 28, 2012-Saturday-I have an old childhood buddy, whom just celebrated his third year of retirement from the postal service after over forty years as a mailman in the City. He normally every 30 to 60 days drive up from the Peninsula to park in my garage with a list of items he needed to buy from Chinatown. He was the one I always called whenever I encountered some postal related problems or questions, since speaking to my local postal officials is nothing but double-talks or lackadaisical. I would accommodate him on his shopping trip and one of our most discussed topic is the postal service, which he have enlighten me on real inner working and culture of this disorganized company. I always wanted him to write about his experience and insights in the postal service, but he replied nobody would ever believe it. I told him I believe in everything he told me and he claims mainly because I am not mesmerized by all the talking points from postal management, Unions, workers, politicians, businesses, and the general public. He said postal accounting practices would make Al Capone's accountants rolling over in their grave. The mail volume numbers are inflated to justify management bonus and pay level existence. The Unions know that those numbers are inflated, since they use it to justify wages increase. He claims the post office biggest expenditures are the employees salaries, since they rank second to Walmart in the number of employees; while Walmart can pay the Federal Minimum Wage at $7.25 an hour. He cited the salary of a mailman range from $21 to $27 an hour, with a median rate of $24 an hour, which equal to customers sending 54 letters with first-class postage of 45¢; 432 letters a day, 2,160 letters a week and 112,320 letters a year. Then multiply the amount of letters per year to the total number of mailman in the postal service of 172,767 equal an awful lot of letters needed. He claims postal pundits would cite not all revenue comes from first-class letters; there Express mail, priority mail, parcel post, junk mails (He told me they are forbidden to use that term in the postal service), other services. He would cite the mailman salary does not include the extra costs of health benefits, retirement benefits, overtime pays, vacation and sick leave. The total amount of postal employees are over 639,000, which includes many management making over $100,000 a year. He told me there are craft employees making that amount with overtime due to the shortage of workers. Then the problem of too many post offices and facilities; equal rents and utilities cost. The last problem--the postal service have the largest fleet of vehicles. When the oil market caused gas prices to skyrocket, UPS and FedEx charged gas surcharges, the postal service never charged any surcharges and just to raise a penny in the postage stamp requires a long process. Therefore the postal service is a money-losing operation, I just realized that all those things he told about the postal service are unbelievable!

My beef with the postal service pertaining to the United States flag being flown in front of the North Beach Station at 1640 Stockton Street. Prior to 1997, the one story building housed the clerks that sold the stamps and mailmen that delivered the mails for the North Beach neighborhood. In 1997, the mailmen were moved to the North Beach Carrier Annex at 2200 Powell Street. Before the move I have witness many times a daily ritual held at the North Beach/Stockton Street prior to morning opening of the customer service window---a clerk raising the United States flag. I only seen once the lowering of the United States flag by the clerk after the closure of the customer service window hours in the evening. The owner of the one-story building at Stockton Street torn it down and replaced with a two-story building allowing the postal service to rent the first floor as a retail storefront. Two flag poles came with the new innovations. As the years passed and two of the senior clerks at the station retired,  I noticed the flag not being lowered at the evening. The flag was flying in front of the building 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. I checked the Annex at Powell Street and the flag was flying   in front of the building 24-7-365 days too. I asked my postal buddy why the flag not raise and lower each business day. He replied it could be several reasons:
#1-Manager did not read the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) running a post office
#2-No employee assigned to raise and lower flag
#3-Clerk position assigned to task, but individual never informed it was his/her duties
#4-Clerk position assigned to task, but individual cannot perform task due to physical limitations
#5-Clerk position assigned to task, but individual refusal to complete the task
#6-The task is not a clerk duties, but Maintenance
#7-Nobody informed Maintenance Department to raise and lower flag
#8-Nobody informed that building had a flag pole
#9-Nobody informed on the proper flag etiquette.

I am a reluctant veteran, because of the Selective Service December 1, 1969 bouncing birthday balls "Draft Lottery." My birthday landed the number 29 slot and my postal buddy also a former veteran landed the number 114 slot. I pulled out the "flag etiquette" from the VFW website:
     The federal flag code says the universal custom is to display the U.S. flag from sunrise to
     sunset on buildings and stationary flagstaffs in the open, but when a patriotic effect is
     desired the flag may be displayed 24-hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours
     of darkness. Also, the U.S. flag should not be displayed when the weather is inclement,
     except when an all-weather flag is displayed.

My postal buddy told me via email, when I informed him one day I would be ranting about this old pet peeve of mine, he came up with another reason:
#10-It's not my problem!

On July 22, 2012, Sunday morning my postal buddy called me concerning the movie theatre mass shooting at Aurora, Colorado. He claims he still keep in touch with the latest news from the postal service (Over forty years working for them and he have no life!). He told me to check my two local postal facilities to see if they comply to "USPS News Link Story-Flag At Half-Staff Through July 25" posted 7/20/12 at 4:51 p.m.
     As a symbol of respect for the victims of the acts of violence Friday in Aurora, CO, 
     President Obama has ordered that the flag of the United States shall be flown at
     half-staff at all government installations - including postal facilities - throughout the
     U.S. and its Territories and possessions. The flag should remain at half-staff until
     sunset, July 25, 2012.

     When flown at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an instant and then lower it to
     the half-staff position. The flag should be raised to the peak again before it's lowered
     for the day.

July 22, 2012-Sunday-North Beach Carrier Annex, 2200 Powell Street

July 22, 2012-Sunday-North Beach Station, 1640 Stockton Street

I called my postal buddy and told him noncompliance at both facilities. I told him maybe the memo is in the mail system, since it was mailed out on Friday either by First-class or Priority, therefore the Station Manager would not receive the memo until either Monday or Tuesday. My buddy said Headquarter in Washington, DC send the memo by email. I told him since it was posted at 4:51 p.m., the Manager most likely gone for the day. My buddy corrected me with Pacific Standard Time Zone of 1:51 p.m. and I told him maybe he left early for the weekend. He insist it's reason #10-It's not my problem!

On July 24, 2012-Tuesday-I decided to check out the many post offices nearby. I was astound to discover majority of the post office do not even have a flag pole outside:
Marina Station-2055 Lombard Street
Marina Green Station-3749 Buchanan Street
Gateway Station-1 Embarcadero Center
Rincon Finance Center-180 Steuart Street
Sutter Street Station-150 Sutter Street
My postal buddy claims these facilities are rentals and maybe the building manager do not allow the display of the American flag, since it might not fit the intention of the architecture. I always thought a main requirement for a post office was the outside display of the American flag.

July 24, 2012-Tuesday-North Beach Carrier Annex, 2200 Powell Street

July 24, 2012-Tuesday-North Beach Station, 1640 Stockton Street

July 24, 2012-Tuesday-Ferry Building, non-government installation flying half-staff

Maybe my postal buddy reasoning of "It's not my problem" might be right, but I rather have reason:
#11-Nobody gives a damn!

I forgot to inform my postal buddy that on:
July 22, 2012-Sunday-Chinatown Station, 867 Stockton Street

This station someone read or received the memo, since the flag was at half-staff.

I checked this morning:

The flag was raised back to the peak, but postal SOP of leaving the flag up 24/7 the new policy these days or is it really...NOBODY GIVE A DAMN!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

DPT Perks Or Good Deals!

March 26, 2012-I have given up writing about the total lax of police or parking control officers enforcement of parking violations in Chinatown. The Wizard surmise that either the officers are totally blind to the traffic congestion or are there incentives---such as red envelopes or groceries basket involved.  
The only time enforcements are implemented is when the problems get media attention. KRON4 reporter Stanley Roberts "People Behaving Badly" had several segments on Chinatown lack of parking enforcements. DPT assigned extra officers in the area to enforce violations, but after 30 days the extra officers were was back to business as usual. The area do have regular DPT officers assigned there, but it seems that they do not notice two daily occurrences or maybe I have bad eyesight from old age. Occurrence #1-There are four vendors delivery trucks that would rather double park close to a merchant storefront than park at a nearby open parking spaces; Occurrence #2-There are ten delivery trucks that are parked all day in the parking spaces, which eight are used as merchant's storage spaces.  The City's have always used its motorists as "cash cows" ventures from parking meters, tow-away zones, street cleaning and residential parking. Unfortunately some are getting a "free pass."

This morning at 8:28 a.m.,  I noticed a DPT officer along Stockton Street:

The officer is purchasing a case of produces or fruits from a vendor. There is nothing illegal in that, but it seems like a "conflict of interests;" you cannot give me a ticket---I sold you a case of Hawaiian papayas at below cost the other day! Also as a consumer, try asking that vendor if he is willing to sell you a case of papayas. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Parking Antics #4-Update

January 31, 2012-The political pundits been crying that America is heading for "class warfare," which pits the 1% (wealthy) versus the 99% (non-wealthy). The truth in today's society is not solely on wealth but the combination of the following:
1. Who you know (Politicians, Judges, Administrators, Power Brokers, CEO, Police Officers...)
2. How much you can afford to pay (Best lawyers, Brides...)
and 3. The correct professional. (Athletics, Movie Stars, Well-known Entrepreneur...)
A person with all three of these traits, when encounter a bad situation can always summon the "Get Out Of Jail" free pass, while the average citizens must deal with the---tough luck, you are on your own!

My favorite theme in the City been "Selective Enforcement" when it comes to law enforcement officials on parking & driving regulations. Last Wednesday I watched a foot patrol police officer along Vallejo & Stockton Street issuing a citation to the driver of a SUV double-parked while a passenger loading groceries from the sidewalk. Then I look down Stockton or Columbus Street, with delivery trucks double-parked unloading not a warning or citation issued. I understand they are afforded a courtesy of doing business but there are opened yellow parking zones spaces available (just not right in front of the unloading business usually) and the posted "No Double Parking Any Time Commercial Vehicles Included" sign must means something else!

Today at 8:19 a.m. on the corner of Union & Stockton Street, my two-time offender "DBI Beverage San Francisco" delivery truck, making delivery to "Original Joe's":
Either this driver took a different DMV test than the rest of the State's drivers or he think marked crosswalk are nothing but a mirage. Today I got a double whammy...that is a uniformed police officer in the middle of the picture, his red unmarked sedan parked on the right side. The officer was removing all the "SFPD white diamond signs" attached to the nearby parking meters for 'no parking' during the "Original Joe's" grand opening event. The officer  did not consider the truck parked in the crosswalk  as a hazard or violation.
Thus if you are one of the 99%...go ahead and park in the crosswalk---
You might get:
1. Cited
2. Towed
3. Lectured
4. Billy-clubbed
5. Arrested
6. Tear gassed
7. Pepper sprayed
or worst...all of the above.

San Francisco Water Conservation Program For Ratepayers Only?

January 31, 2012-This year winter weather patterns have produced very little rainfall, which means less snow packs in the Sierra Nevada Mountains equal lower reservoirs water capacity and eventually led to stricter water usage. I can still recall May 1988, when the City implemented mandatory water rationing allotment for all its customers; but the year 2012 is a new era...

This morning at 6:45 a.m. on my morning stroll toward the wharf, I noticed streams of water heading toward the corner sewer outlets along the 2000 block of Powell Street. It was still dark, therefore just my luck I did not have my camera with me, but I did noticed a white City emblem pickup truck with the emergency overhead lights double-parked near the ruptured water line in the middle of the block. The truck had those heavy-duty front bumper, therefore the Wizard surmised that it was a MUNI supervisor on the scene reporting the incident to his dispatcher.

On the way back home at 7:25 a.m. a lone City official wearing a yellow safety vest was surveying the flow of water by the bottom of the block. I walked to the rupture area and noticed a green San Francisco Water Department pick-up truck parked nearby.

At 8:11 a.m. on my normal stroll through Chinatown with my camera:

Water is still flowing.
No signs of Water Department vehicles.
No emergency cones or barriers to prevent vehicles from putting additional pressures to the asphalt. The Wizard surmised that the asphalt on this section was paved by a reputable contractor instead of that company that used sub-standard materials.
A passerby noticed me taking pictures asked if the City were notified. I told him a Water department official was here at 7:25 a.m. and the water is still running. He replied...don't they owe the pipes? I told him...yes, but it seems that they don't care!

Latest update at 9:35 a.m. I gone out to take this last picture:
Water still spewing out at the ruptured ground opening and no City service vehicles nearby. A police squad car drove by just as I snapped the picture, and he did not even stop to investigate the water flows. It just a case of wrong neighborhood...if this occurred in downtown, financial district, Marina or Pacific Heights a service crews would be here by 8:00 a.m. follow with several news channel mobile units.