Thursday, September 13, 2012

Recology Truck Antics

September 13, 2012-I can still recall in ancient times the City of San Francisco had two companies that handle the residential garbage collection services: Golden Gate Disposal; which handle the financial district, North Beach & Marina districts, and Sunset Scavenger Company; which handle the outlying neighborhood districts. Depending upon where you lived would dictate what time your garbage would be picked up. If you lived near the financial districts it would mean very early in morning pick-up. We lived about two blocks from Fisherman's Wharf, therefore the garbage collectors cleans up the Wharf's businesses early in the morning and come by our house around 5:00 a.m. The metal garbage cans would be situated by the side doorway and the garbageman would empty the cans onto a burlap sack and then haul it over his shoulder out to the truck. Occasionally you can hear the metal garbage can lid rattling against the pavement. In the late 1980's the two garbage collection companies merged to form "Norcal" and then in 2009 changed the company name to the present "Recology." We no longer have metal or rubber garbage cans, but standardized colored garbage totes: black, for landfill waste; blue, for recyclable items; and green, for compost items. In the old days the garbage truck come through the neighborhood block one to three times a week, depending upon the number of requested service pick-up. Currently my block have a garbage truck picking trash Monday through Saturday. My house and  majority others on the block have Wednesday collection day. My next door neighbor have Tuesday & Friday collection days. One house on my side have Monday collection day and another house on the opposite side have Thursday collection day. These collection days are for the black & blue totes only. The green compost tote is done by another garbage truck. There are two condominium complex in the block, a different type of garbage truck handle their trash, which consist of long rolling bins. One complex have collection day of Tuesday & Friday, while the other Wednesday & Saturday.

In other words, I have seen my share of garbage trucks just along my own block. I have also seen garbage trucks in the neighborhood: driving in the wrong side of the street, going in the opposite direction in a one way street, backing up the whole block, blocking a crosswalk, running a red light, making a illegal left turn, and numerous other motor vehicle violations. I do not fault the drivers, nor I expect law enforcement agencies to cite them, because of the nature of the job required them to take these actions to complete their task of collecting the garbage.

Except this morning at 8:30 a.m., a Recology truck for route #232, parked at the far end of the bus stop heading downtown on the corner of Stockton & Columbus:
I have noticed this same garbage truck parked at this spot for several weeks. My first impression was the driver was picking up trash nearby. Just last week I noticed the local Recology lady supervisor for the North Beach area parking her company pickup truck in front of the parked garbage truck chatting with the driver, therefore the company acknowledge the present of this truck at that location. A busy bus stop for two electric trolley lines: #30 Stockton & #45 Union and one long-articulated diesel bus line: #8X Bayshore Express.

To my amazement this morning, I was able to watch this Recology driver get out of his truck and shut down his engine.
The driver was not picking up no garbage nearby, instead he was heading to a coffee shop along the 400 block of Columbus Avenue for a cup of coffee!

The driver could had parked at the space ahead of the red zone bus stop.
I forgot the two rules of "self-centered person"
#1-Don't give a damn of others. (Bus riders tough luck)
#2-Least effort! (If I parked farther up, therefore I had to back out of space)
Special note: the alley the truck is parked by is Card Alley, the exit route of Vallejo  Street Central Police Station patrol cars. A very bad blind spot, but everybody on the impression that this garbage truck is picking garbage nearby.

The driver getting a cup of coffee and be right back. I doubt it and the time is now 9:05 a.m.
The long 8X bus cannot pull into the bus stop and have to load out in the street-double park! The morning traffic along Columbus Avenue going toward Fisherman's Wharf already bad with one lane by Washington Square Park due to the stupid Central Subway Escape Hatch construction project. Now with this coffee sipping garbageman stupidity blocking traffic along the opposite side of Stockton & Columbus roadways.

The Wizard have a old saying: Some people smells like garbage and some people are like garbage!

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