Tuesday, March 27, 2012

DPT Perks Or Good Deals!

March 26, 2012-I have given up writing about the total lax of police or parking control officers enforcement of parking violations in Chinatown. The Wizard surmise that either the officers are totally blind to the traffic congestion or are there incentives---such as red envelopes or groceries basket involved.  
The only time enforcements are implemented is when the problems get media attention. KRON4 reporter Stanley Roberts "People Behaving Badly" had several segments on Chinatown lack of parking enforcements. DPT assigned extra officers in the area to enforce violations, but after 30 days the extra officers were reassigned...it was back to business as usual. The area do have regular DPT officers assigned there, but it seems that they do not notice two daily occurrences or maybe I have bad eyesight from old age. Occurrence #1-There are four vendors delivery trucks that would rather double park close to a merchant storefront than park at a nearby open parking spaces; Occurrence #2-There are ten delivery trucks that are parked all day in the parking spaces, which eight are used as merchant's storage spaces.  The City's have always used its motorists as "cash cows" ventures from parking meters, tow-away zones, street cleaning and residential parking. Unfortunately some are getting a "free pass."

This morning at 8:28 a.m.,  I noticed a DPT officer along Stockton Street:

The officer is purchasing a case of produces or fruits from a vendor. There is nothing illegal in that, but it seems like a "conflict of interests;" you cannot give me a ticket---I sold you a case of Hawaiian papayas at below cost the other day! Also as a consumer, try asking that vendor if he is willing to sell you a case of papayas. 

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