Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Composting Gone Amok

June 30, 2010-Today is my neighborhood weekly garbage pickup day. At 8:00 AM the first garbage truck came to take the black (landfill) cart and the blue (recycle) cart. Then at 9:00 AM another truck came to pickup only the green (compost) cart.

The city of San Francisco has a mandatory compost law---requiring all residences & businesses to compost their organic waste. I was waiting for the Republican Party and the newly formed Tea Baggers Party to start demonstration of more government regulation on personal liberties, since “compost police” would be going through the black (landfill) cart to ensure compliance or fines would be assessed on non-compliance.

I stood outside chatting with one of my neighbor, as the brand new garbage truck came by with the new company logo of “Recology” on its side. I watched as the lone driver stopped and rolled the green cart to the rear of the truck and pull a lever to shake the cart twice into the holding compartment. The driver finished the block and it was time to retrieve the green cart. My neighbor left to retrieve his and called me over…his neighbor compost:
A pile of food scraps right in the middle of the street. We watched the driver dumped each of the green carts and didn’t notice him missing the rear compartment nor any other sight of compost left on the street either. My neighbor inquiry why didn’t the driver notice the mess he left. I replied most likely he didn’t see it or if he did in his job description---roll cart and push lever to dump compost no mention of pickup compost off floor. The only thing we can surmised was the truck had a design flaw, which every 10-12 pickups a secret opening emerged to slew the waste back onto the street!
The neighbor and I got out the broom and water hose to clean up the mess, since calling “Recology” or the City for clean up would only benefit the swamp of flies.

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