Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Washington Square Park New Restrooms At $1.2 Million-Updates Or As Time Passes...

June 16, 2015-Tuesday-The City of San Francisco function in a mysterious fashion or more likely the City's civil servants does...

On June 5, 2015:
I mentioned on how a $1.2 million newly renovated restroom was using a bike chain to lock the park employees break room door.

On last Friday, June 12, 2015:
A key lock was installed, below the lock were several drilled out holes and another unfinished locking mechanism installed, plus the bike chain lock was still hanging between the doors. 

It was the same arrangement during the weekend of June 13th and 14th; the big North Beach Festival, which had the large crowd using the Washington Square Park as a nice gathering place.

On Monday, June 15, 2015:
Nothing new to report.

Then this morning, June 16, 2015:
The door handle was installed plus a vertical plate to prevent someone from jimmying the door.

The bigger question is not why the lock and handle were not completed when the restrooms first originally opened to the public over a month ago, but why it took more than a day to install a locking unit.

The answers:
A. One crew does the cutting of the holes
B. One crew does the installing of the lock
C. One crew does the installing of the handle
D. The locksmith department do not work on weekend
E. Somebody ordered the wrong part
and finally F. Cha-ching...the kids needs new shoes!

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