Wednesday, September 8, 2010

More DPT Antics #3

September 8, 2010-Yesterday the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) approved the installations of 1340 new parking meters in 10 neighborhoods. On Monday-Labor Day holiday many drivers park in meter spot was rewarded with a $55 parking ticket, because the City needs revenue changed free holidays parking to only three holidays---New Year, Thanksgiving & Christmas. The TV and newspaper media had citizens crying of this ticket outrage, but the holidays parking enforcement been effective for several years. The City parking meters are all digitalized...therefore they are programmed to read "FREE PARKING" on days or time there are no need to feed the meter, but if the meter is flashing "EXPIRED" it meant you better pay or maybe it meant it's time to toss old food!

The enforcement division of the MTA is the DPT---Department of Parking & Traffic, the dread Parking Control Officer (PCO). I have written about prior incidents with these PCO's that ignored their boss memo to follow the rules they are supposely to enforce...well this morning at 9:20 AM at the corner of Pacific & Grant Avenue I encounter this:
The DPT scooter is parked in the red zone. Several months ago I parked my car in the spot right in front of this DPT scooter in the afternoon as I dropped my wife to visit her doctor in the 700 block of Pacific Avenue. When we return back to the car, I noticed a DPT scooter parked right behind me in the red zone. I had a hard time getting out of the parking spot since the scooter had me blocked in the rear...must be the same law-abiding worker!
It must be breakfast time in Chinatown, because on the adjacent block of 1000 Grant Avenue was another DPT scooter parked in the yellow meter zone---"Commercial Vehicle Loading"
They have a old saying of trouble comes in the three's, well as I walked up to 1300 block of Stockton Street...I noticed the third DPT scooter parked in the yellow zone but before I could get a picture the Oriental PCO got in the scooter and made a U-turn on Stockton Street. The Wizard surmised that the other two DPT scooters PCO are Oriental too, using an old fortune cookie proverb: "He who follow the rules, unless written in Chinese!"

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