Monday, May 31, 2010

Introduction - About Me

Welcome to my Blog! I am a native San Franciscan with over seventy years of ranting rage. I would write little notes of things I see, read or heard that vent my frustration. One of the youngsters suggested for me to start a Blog. I told him I could hardly remember doing the waltz how would I keep up with these new dance movements. He told me that blogging is the new Internet age of people expressing their thoughts to the whole world. Since my fellow old cronies sometimes hates my bitching and complaining, instead of pretending to be listening to me or nodding to sleep, some would just walk away while I am talking. This blogging is a lot better, since if you don’t like what I am saying all you have to do is press “delete,” and you would not have to see me sticking my nose at you!

I love writing and again the youngster suggested I get an apple. I asked him how would eating apple help my writing! The younger generation phrase “out of touch” sometimes does ring true. Then came the digital camera, sure beats the old Kodak roll film---wait until all 36 pictures are taken, to the corner drugstore to get it develop, wait a week and when you get back the pictures…almost half is blacken, because you forgot to take the camera lens cover off! Now I have instant pictures.

These are all my personal opinions and observations. Plus this is quite cheaper than seeing my monthly therapist since I recalled one visit as I was leaving she told the receptionist: “What a raving fool!”

The Wizard

© 2010 Raving Corner

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