Friday, March 11, 2011

Parking Antics #1-Update

March 11, 2011-A buddy asked me why get such a big huff about these bad drivers in the City, well I just hate the City's policy of "Selective Enforcement" and the 'New Age Worker's Attitude.'

This morning right on schedule at 8:25 a.m., I spotted the delivery truck on Stockton Street & Union Street double parked; when there are plenty of empty parking spaces on the curb in front and across from the establishment he was delivering supplies to.
At least this week, the driver did not park in the blue zone---several parked cars are in spaces front of the zone today! 

No law enforcement agencies would cite the truck as a violation or a hazard, since...#1-Is double parking illegal? #2-Who is it hurting? and finally #3-That's a famous establishment he's delivering to.
Let's see...plenty of pedestrians crossing nearby, cars trying to maneuver around the double parked truck, and cars waiting on intersection to make turn onto that block. A typical morning with no hazard in sight.

I forgot my final point: 'New Age Worker's Attitude.' Some of the workers have embrace a new standard of...take the easy path, why work so hard and to heck with others. It would take too much effort and consideration to others if I had to pull to the curb to unload the supplies.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Parking Antics #1

March 4, 2011-During certain day of my morning walk around the Washington Square Park, I would encounter a strange traffic congestion near the intersection of Stockton Street & Union Street. The problem  is a double parked semi-truck making supply deliveries to the nearby restaurants; maybe depending on the driver or traffic pattern...majority of the blockade occurs on the 500 block of Union Street and I noticed a few times on the 1600 block of Stockton Street. Motorists must wait for on-coming traffic to clear in order to go around the double parked truck, thereby causing backup behind them. Plus I watched pedestrians trying to cross this intersection...wondering if it's safe to cross---since vehicles are coming at every directions.

The best solution would be to create a morning yellow zone nearby, such as those in Downtown & Chinatown areas. Oops I forgot---it only happens in the morning, the most time it inconvenience anybody is 30-45 minutes---what's your problem? Well, it's back to my old song & dance routine of "Selective Enforcement" policy in the City of San Francisco. Double-parking is illegal and each year UPS & FedEx paid the City thousands in tickets but I have yet seen one issued to this truck. Residents from all parts of the City except the Bayview district should stop paying all parking tickets until an injustice is corrected---the end of Selective Districts Enforcement. "People Behaving Badly with Stanley Roberts" had three segments of how parking control officers are not tagging sidewalk parking or expired meters in the Bayview District, because of the fear of being attacked. Uniformed police officers are tagging motorist violations but too many other parking violations are ignored. Today I would update my new slogan: 
The well known, well connected, well abundant or well armed (thanks Stanley Roberts); are given "Free Passes" whereas normal citizenry are not afforded.

Back to this morning at 9:03 a.m., today the driver found a parking space along the curb at the 1600 block of Stockton Street.
Do you noticed that the truck tail end and lift area is parked in the blue colored curb with a sign on the pole:
I had to return back to this corner two hours later, because I did not wanted that driver to attack me for taking a picture of the sign as he was unloading! Maybe this truck is exempted or the driver had displayed a Disabled Person Placard in the front windshield. I also noticed empty parking space in front of the truck, therefore the driver could had parked further up and not blocking the blue zone. I forgot the driver would lose the easy access if a car parked behind him or is it just the old plain reason of being LAZY!

Just remember when you double park or not qualify to park in a blue zone, and a police or parking officer issued you a is because you are not the chosen one!